Thursday, May 6, 2010

Job Hunting 101 Sticky Notes


  1. Girlie that is just crazy!!! I'm thinking about you guys and sending positive thoughts! Hope the new job happens ASAP ((hugs))

  2. Wow! So not fun! I am so sorry. I honestly wish I could fix it all for you, but know that I can't. So I am sending lots of hugs and prayers your way. Things have got to get better!!

  3. That is just crappy. Hope he gets a job soon!

  4. Oh, no, I'm sorry you've had such an up-and-down week. I'll keep praying for peace and provision. Hugs to you!

  5. HANG IN THERE! I will keep praying for you! Job searches are the worst... Really? A voicemail hire then no hire? Probably good he's not working for them... paycheck... nah, no paycheck!

  6. How stressful! Sending prayers that he finds something soon!

  7. Sounds like he's been SO close! Something will turn up soon. I'll be praying for you! ((HUGS))

  8. You guys are in my thoughts...can he do any self employment work? That is a stretch since I do not know his qualifications or desires...sometimes it is a closed window that leads to finding what you really desire in life...I know that first hand!

  9. goat hugs. that's all I can offer.
    goat hugs.

  10. So sorry! Praying he finds something soon!

  11. Wow, I hope he finds a new job soon! How frustrating - for both of you!

  12. Tell Rick NOT to give up dear, he will find something, with his determination and your backing it will happen xxx

  13. Man, that sounds rough! We have been there too. I hope something turns up ASAP!

  14. Sorry about the jobs he didn't get. Interviewing and waiting is so hard, then the rejection sets in. I'm so sorry you guys are going through this. I will continue to pray for a job to come quickly and the unemployment to get settled.

  15. Oh sweetie, I hope he finds a job very soon!

    PS I clean and throw things out when I'm grumpy too. I know it's not pleasant for everyone else. :(

  16. Job hunting really blows.
    On the upside, I have given your blog an award. C'mon over and see what it's about!

  17. Oh, god, sweetie... how frustrating and emotionally draining that is. I don't know how you manage to keep everything together, you are an incredible w-o-m-a-n! Hear you roar... :-)
    Things WILL get better, you have SO many people praying for you.
    Love & hugs, always.

  18. Hang in there!!! I'm praying for you guys.

    Happy Mother's day!!!!!

  19. I would have gone insane by now. ((HUGZ!!)) Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

    Happy Mother's Day! :)

  20. I'll be praying for you that this is over quickly! I'm sorry you're stuck in this position right now!


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