Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Check it out I'm famous ...

Hehe well maybe not famous but I sure feel special :). You know on the back of books how they have snip-its from authors and critics saying what they think? Well My favorite book has a slider that has snip-its from us bloggers and other people who loved the Lumby Series. Yup I made it on the list!! LOVE it. I feel so special!! Plus I love this series so you know it's even makes me higher on cloud nine :).


  1. That is so super stinkin' cool! All of your hard work and awesome reviews and FINALLY you get some public validation. WHOOT WHOOT SPIRNKLES!!!!!!!

  2. That is ohhhh so cool! I want to read these books but will have to wait for some $$ to get them.

  3. Yay! Youre famous!! How awesome!!! Congrats, congrats!

  4. wow im impressed dear fantastic hope u have lots more.

  5. Very, very cool!!! I'm currently reading Stealing Lumby!

  6. That is so cool! I have to read these books sometime.

  7. Awesome! Can I have your autograph?! Seriously, never heard of the series but will have to read them sometime.

  8. WooHoo... how exciting! Will you still remember us little people when you get too famous for this little blog and become like Dooce?
    {Promise me you will NEVER become like her!!}
    I saw you right there on page 9! You are super famous... Yippee!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!