Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thursday DVD Review ~ A little DVD's & TV

One of my all time favorite actress is Drew Barrymore, I hadn't heard of this movie but saw her name and just had to get it! It is a little slow at times it's based on a true story. A documentary that was set out to document houses that could be condemned came across this mother & daughter that touched their hearts in the end. It's weird seeing Drew all old but it was a sad true story with a happy ending. It's a good weekend rainy day rental not one I would buy but it's a true story and you know my feelings on those :).

Based on a true story, this made-for-TV, Emmy-winning drama stars Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore as the aunt and cousin of Jackie Kennedy Onassis (Jeanne Tripplehorn), both named Edie Beale, who retreat from tony Manhattan society to a mansion in East Hampton, N.Y. After years in isolation, the women are thrust into the spotlight when journalists report on a series of health inspections that find the house -- and its owners -- in shocking disarray. Ken Howard co-stars.

Lifetime had me on a role with these true stories. This one just had me bawling the whole time! You got to love teachers they do so much and give so much to our youth. Ron Clark was this amazing person that pushed himself over and beyond to help this children everyone pushed aside. I promise you have to watch it!

Ron Clark (Matthew Perry) leaves his small town and relocates to Harlem to teach in one of its toughest schools. To make an impact, Clark uses innovation and his passion for teaching to help his students reach their full potential.

Talk about a tear jerker but an amazing true story! You know how I love true stories. This is just an amazing story of two ladies that have created this amazing place for children that are in bad situations. Some of these stories just broke my heart but these ladies just made me smile there are people like that in the world.

Think about it - if you had to choose between a life of fame and fortune in Hollywood or putting an end to the growing epidemic of child abuse, which would you pick?

The answer was clear for rising stars Sara O'Meara and Yvonne Fedderson. This duo made a drastic decision when they were entertaining the troops during the Vietnam War. With bags packed, the pair was about to head home to pursue flourishing acting careers, when fate stepped in and opened their eyes to their true calling - helping forsaken children.

They removed themselves from the spotlight and focused it on kids who have endured unthinkable physical and emotional nightmares; these women found a way to rehabilitate and give hope to children who had nowhere else to turn. Don't miss this triumphant true tale of two real-life heroines.

You all know how much I LOVE Robin Williams, so when I saw this on the instant download I just had to watch it. Another one we tried for about a 1/2 to 45 min before Rick gave me the look again to turn it off! Sorry Robin I really tried but this role just didn't do it for me. It has very strong language and adult content.
After his son (Daryl Sabara) dies in an awkward freak accident, high school poetry teacher Lance (Robin Williams) ghostwrites a suicide note to spare the family embarrassment. But when the note becomes an unexpected hit, Lance sees a chance to resurrect his writing career. In a bid for literary fame, Lance writes his son's journal and passes it off as his own. Writer-director Bob Goldthwait's comedy debuted at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.

I tried I really did to like this instant download but I just couldnt' get into it. Even Rick gave me the look like turn this off. I so love Andy Giffith, even in this old man role he was cute but it just didn't have any plot that drew me in.

When ladies' man David Mitchell (Paul Campbell) gives his lonely grandfather, Joe (Andy Griffith), some pointers on dating, Joe becomes a big hit with the women in his retirement community. But David strikes out with his own tricks when he tries to woo a girl named Julie (Marla Sokoloff). Now it's up to Joe to teach his grandson how to win at love without playing games. Doris Roberts and Liz Sheridan co-star in this award-winning comedy.

This is all Rick, I never got into this show. It of course has Football and being a former College Football player Rick is all over it. We have season 2 that I picked up Black Friday this year. The new season finally started for us Dish people so Rick is getting a double dose of the show. If you love football and drama this is the show for you :).

In rural Texas, there isn't much in life that matters more than high school football -- a point this series drives home searingly as it chronicles the ups and downs of a team that carries the heart and soul of its town on its players' backs. The action focuses on first-time coach Eric Taylor (Kyle Chandler) and quarterback Jason Street (Scott Porter), who lead a stellar team to the best of their abilities amid enormous pressure to win.
I use to do Friday Movie Night with Pizza, with Rick still not working full time I've had to cut back. I found this amazing recipe that was a good fix for my Pizza Blues :)


1 pound ground beef
1 small onion, chopped
1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans, rinsed, drained
1 (15 ounce) can pizza sauce
1 (15 ounce) can Italian stewed tomatoes
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
21/2 cups water
1 (4 ounce) package sliced pepperoni
1/2 cup chopped red or green bell pepper
1 teaspoon pizza or Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon salt

Brown the ground beef with the onion in a large saucepan or Dutch oven, stirring until beef is crumbly; drain.
Stir in the kidney beans, pizza sauce, tomatoes, tomato sauce, water, pepperoni, bell pepper, pizza seasoning and salt.
Bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 30 minutes or until desired thickness.
Garnish with shredded mozzarella cheese if desired.

ALEXIS NOTES: I didn't have tomato sauce so I added a small can of paste with an extra cup of water. Also switched out the pepperoni to turkey pepperoni.

I also made some yummy roles! 1/2 whole wheat & white, Cole ate these like crazy.

Thank you Supah for the fun post:


  1. great reviews as always dear, thanks for the heads up xx

  2. It took me a few minutes to recognize Matthew Perry in that picture!

    Thanks for all of the reviews and the recipe! The recipe sounds good, but for some reason the ingredients list is hidden behind rows of chili peppers. Or maybe I just need to clean my glasses. :)

  3. I'm going for those first three movies for sure. I totally trust your reviews. You've done well by me in the past with them.

  4. All new movies to me. Thanks for sharing this.. Oh I will have the pizza with turkey pepperoni please.. Love ya..

  5. Damn you Alexis and your Movie reviews! Now I am going to have to start my Netflix back up! (seriously I love your reviews!)

  6. still lovin your reviews.. totally look forward to them.......

    and i will so be watching "for the love of a child"... sounds heartbreaking and amazing all the same...

  7. Friday Night Lights is one of my favorite shows! And I don't even like football.

  8. Phew! I was a little worried that they were all going to be downer movies this week ;)

    And homemade pizza or pizza replacement? I think it tastes better that way anyway (we won't think about the health benefits!)

  9. As always, I appreciate your reviews. Will have to check a couple of 'em out that you listed.

  10. Drew did a wonderful job in Grey Gardens. I had watched it when it first came on HBO. I don't know how I missed the Ron Clark story.
    I like many of the Made for TV movies, I always try to catch them.

  11. Lots of things to line up to watch.

  12. You know me and my Lifetime & Hallmark movies, I've seen those movies, too and cried like a baby. I have seen Gray Gardens yet, but it is on my list as soon as I can.
    I have a theory about Robin Williams, because I LOVE him also, he is either supurb or horrible in a movie - thanks for the warning about this movie, I'll skip this one.
    I love your reviews and look forward to them. {I also have rows of chili peppers for ingredients, but I can figure out the recipe by the directions. :-)}


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!