Thursday, June 10, 2010

Some May Call Me the Enforcer ... (PINT Style)

Isn't this sweet!
3 Boxes & what I got with the GC.
What NOT to do:
Thank you Supah for the fun post:


  1. I always make my girls bathe together and they are 6 years apart lol. Im all about conserving!

    Hope things get better for you guys soon

  2. you are a very busy lady lol. love coming here, its a real bright happy blog, and so its its owner xx

  3. Oh Alexis Thanks for the great tips. I know how that goes.. I am so proud of you. YOu rock my Poser friend you are correct about the toes..

    Have a great weekend.

  4. I throw all three of my boys in the tub together.

    How wonderful to get the boxes of food and gcs!

  5. Love the notes! All very cute. Don't get any ideas and start "conserving water" with the hubby. Those double showers can cost you another mouth to feed. ;-)

  6. Love those! Here's another: If it's not being used - Unplug it! microwave, vcr, dvd, hell even the tv, toaster you name it if you are not actively using it, unplug it it can save something like 7 bucks a month! thats 84 bucks a year.

  7. I'm with you on most of these! I can't have the boys bathe together though. That's going to cost an er co-pay!

    How nice that someone is giving to you. You do so much for others.

  8. Oh I think you are on a roll! When I grocery shop I always look on the bottom shelves. The stuff at eye height is the premium expensive stuff!

  9. Awesome! We dont mind store brand either. You should DEF shop sales with coupons if you dont. Saves me tons of money. AND, did you know running the dishwasher actually uses less water than hand washing? I didn't know that, but they did a story on our local news about saving water and that was one of the things they said to do! YAY! I hate hand washing dishes! =)

  10. Tell me, HOW do you enforce the 8-square TP rule? :)

    These are all good ways to save. And thank God for your church family for helping out!

  11. What a wonderful gift from the church. Sounds like your doing and excellent job. I know that it's not an easy one. Keeping you in my prayers.

  12. The store brand stuff is made by the big brands so there really IS no difference.

  13. I love how you are making the best of such a stressful situation by giving us all these wonderful tips. Also by trying to see the humor in it. You are by far the sweetest and most loving, giving woman I know, so I'm with Tracie, I'm so happy that something was given back to you. Now don't go volunteering to do stuff for other people and give it all away!
    Big hugs to you all and know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. wow what a cute little blog you have here. I buy store brand for a lot of the basics. There are some things that I can't scrimp on toilet paper and toothpaste. Tonight I have made a massive meal which will do 2 lunches as well. Maybe more depending on how hungry my partner is. It is amazing how many uses bicarb soda and vinegar have.

  15. Very wise post-its :)

    Have a great Tuesday!

  16. Sounds like you have it under control. Love the bath time tip! I like to buy cheap cuts of meat, then cook big meals where I can freeze some for later.

  17. I don't skimp on toilet paper. Sorry. But I sometimes wash ziploc baggies that did not have meat in them. That is helpful.

  18. lol, Love the enforcements. That was a nice thing for your pastor to do. As for putting off bills, I'm going to be in that boat soon. Had something unexpected come up that we had to pay for and now I'm going to have to find somehow, someway to pay the electric bill. Oh well, still can't complain. Life is good.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!