Monday, June 7, 2010

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday ~ Hamburger Rice Skillet (2 Ways)

My girl Heidi posted a wonderful recipe that I had to make for the boys, yes we added corn per Caden's instance :). This was super easy and made such a big batch that I had left overs for a Round 2 Recipe (Thank you Sandra Lee for the idea). Cole loved this one so much he asked for it to be his warm up the next day for school. He even had it when he came home from school snack! Yup it was yummy!
1/2 to 1 pound ground beef or ground turkey
1 onion, diced
2 cups cooked rice (leftover)
8 ounce can tomato sauce, or 1 cup chopped tomatoes (canned or fresh)
1/2 cup water
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/2 cup shredded cheese

Brown and drain ground beef with onion. Add rice, tomato, water, salt and pepper. Mix up, breaking the rice into small pieces if it clumps. Cover the skillet and simmer for 10 minutes. Add a little more water if necessary. Sprinkle the cheese over top and serve.

ALEXIS NOTES: Added in the corn and I used brown rice.
I then made enchilada's with the left over's, super yummy and easy! Enchilada sauce, cheese and whole wheat tortillas.

Blessed with Grace


  1. Not sure my family would go for the corn in the mixture, but otherwise it looks great. And I love that you can make enchiladas out of the same mixture!

  2. You could make this a round 3 and stuff it in green bell peppers for stuffed peppers! It's really good like that too :) I'm glad your family enjoyed it!

  3. i think this looks great.. and not too hard either.. that's always a plus for me!!!!!!

  4. Yummy and using it for enchiladas the next night is perfect!

  5. Yeah two meals in one.. Yummy..

    Yeah for brown rice.. I so need to move in..

  6. Both look so yummy... I must remember to visit you in the am, I was craving a snack before, now my tummy is rumbling. LOL

  7. This looks yummy and super easy. Stuff I usually have on hand too. You have the best recipes all the time!!

  8. Oh this sounds perfect for my family!

  9. So easy and yummy!!! I'll have to bookmark this one! :-)

  10. Why doesn't something this easy ever just "come" to me... what a no brainer! YUM-a-licious.... going to tag this for my recipe file! Thanks chicklett!

  11. Looks really good and I think the enchilada was a great idea.

  12. Definitely a recipe we would like at my house! Thanks for the recipe and linking to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.

  13. Sweet blog, I hadn't come across earlier during my searches!
    Keep up the wonderful work!

  14. Hey - I am definitely glad to discover this. Good job!


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