Tuesday, June 8, 2010

WWW ~ Graduation, Birthday Party & a Wedding

HOLY smokes that was one fast weekend!! I didn't feel like I got a lot of down time but we did have fun :)
Friday was Cole's graduation from Kindergarten. He received an award for most improved learner. She told a funny story about my active little boy :). They read a poem to us a very long poem and read the whole thing!!! And of course sang some songs for us!
Saturday I worked and then it was off to party central! First off was a birthday party for a girl at Cole's school. At first I thought Chuck E Cheese, ugh. Let me just say the one here in town was known as "The Ghetto" for sometime it was dirty and just not a good place. Thankfully it was very nice.
Then off to my parent house to drop the boys off so I could go the wedding. I of course ran around like my head was cut off I picked up a dress the day before then put it on and found it went down so low and to put a t-shirt underneath and a sweater to cover my chunky arms. The bride was just gorgeous it was my old bosses daughter who is a dear friend. I was able to sit with my old co-workers. One made me cry told me he missed having me around, the only person that had a personality and made the day fun. Yup touched my heart!
And I did something I haven't done since high school fake nails on my toes .. lol. No time for a pedi let's just buy some glue on. Thankfully they last until I was getting in the car and two popped off .. hehe. At least I didn't leave a trail of fake toe nails!
My parents watched the boys the wedding was an hour away and spent 3 hours there so the boys stayed with my parents watched the boys for 5 hours. I don't think the 5 hours went over well but after driving there over an hour I wanted to enjoy my time. I take what I can get :).
Sunday was my mom's birthday so the boys made her little gifts. Oh yes paint everywhere!
There is our crazy weekend, now I need sleep :)


  1. Too hectic for me, but I'm glad everything worked out! Sounds like you had a good time at the wedding, and your outfit looks great!

  2. awe very nice pics dear, as always a lot of work..:)

  3. Poser you look amazing in that dress.. Love it.. What a weekend sounded like mine.. This weekend a Graduation party.. Yeah fun. Congrats to Cole.. Have an amazing day and do get some rest..

  4. I can't believe how you made your dress work! That's awesome!

    What a great weekend! Sounds like a lot of fun! :-)

  5. Girl you are a hoot! A trail of fake toenails.........LOL

    Sounds like a busy week as usual! Don't know how you do it.

  6. That was a crazy weekend!! It would probably be good for me to fill up a weekend of graduation with all the other stuff (so I wouldn't dwell on the graduation part - sad!).

  7. Sounds like a wonderful weekend.. i had a similar weekend but it was us who was doing all the entertaining... and running to get stuff..

  8. I don't know how you do it all! I didn't even know they make press on toenails! Good to know since I cut my so short I couldn't paint them if I wanted too.

  9. It's good you had some fun for yourself.

  10. You go to more birthday parties than anyone I have ever seen!

  11. Way to go Cole!!
    Another crazy weekend but at least you had some time away from the boys. Where was Rick this whole time? Is he working more now?!
    Happy birthday to your mom! Handmade gifts from the grandkids make the best presents!!

  12. Busy yes, but looks like it was also allot of fun. It's never boring at your house!

  13. Sleep? What's that?......lol......another crazy weekend for you!......
    We had a rainy weekend here and didn't do too much of anything...Which was nice, since we actually got some things done around the house!

  14. Congrats to Cole on his graduation and the "improved learner" award.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!