Friday, July 2, 2010

Birthday Party Planning 101 Here I come


  1. I think kids' parties should still be what they were when I was a kid: free play, some cake in the back yard, and that's about it. No need for fancy or expensive decorations, plates, games, prizes!

  2. Thanks for the check list. I'm off to shop for my soon-to-be 5 year old and her M&M theme party.

  3. Wishing good weather for the little tykes b-day party. It rained after we got the food made for my youngests b-day last month but we all had fun...

  4. Funny, I just entered party planning mode here too. Drew's party is on the 10th. We're having it at an indoor bouncy place and yes, it's stupidly expensive! However, like I said in a prior post, an outside birthday in Texas in July is pure HELL!

    We're 86ing the theme because frankly, nothing works. The invitations were from the bouncy place. The cake is a volcano cake I saw on Semi Homemade with Sandra Lee (love that show) and ..??? I'll hit Big Lots for goody bag contents. I'm not a big fan of loading them up on crap. I'd rather buy some little books or puzzles or bubbles or something for them. I may buy them all a cool lollipop and send them home with that. WHo knows!

  5. They'll have fun no matter what.
    Don't sweat it. The fact that you care is all that matters,

  6. Oh crap. I have to do Little Miss's birthday party. Which means I need to get an address list from the school. And that I need to get my act together NOW. Thanks for the reminder. And we're doing backyard, too :)

  7. Hey Poser you are a great party planner.. Yeah.. I think it sounds like a grand time for sure... Children love to just run and play so that will be great.. Have a great weekend..

  8. Remember it's a beach theme party and everyone is planning on getting wet, SO.... as long as it's not too cold, if it rains, NO-BIG-DEAL! The kids would probably like it, I used to play wiffle ball in the rain with my boys when they were kids. It used to make them laugh so hard when my mascara ran and made black streaks on my face. :-)
    You are right... B-Day parties have gotten out of hand, I think you are doing it right and your boys know how much you love them and would prefer if you did this kind of thing for them.
    Have fun!! Wish I could be there to play with them (I'd make water balloons - HaHa.)

  9. Woo hoo. Run around, make noise, and leave the presents for later. So weird that people want to watch the kids open presents!

    Have a great 4th of July.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  10. sounds like another busy week dear xxx hope everything goes well xx

  11. Your Blog is awesome! New Follower here! Thanks for visiting my blog too.

  12. so true.. i'll got to a kids party and HATE it when the mom is so UPTIGHT and thinks every minute has to be on schedule with eating, or games.. or more games.. then presents... then she doesn't like kids to be loud...
    yea no fun!!!!

  13. I am very quickly learning to let go. I think I learned it at my wedding, when the "imperfect" parts became some of my favorite memories. If you are uptight, you miss way too much of the activities!

  14. Definately the age would make a difference for guests at the party.
    It should be wonderful. Have fun!

  15. It'll all work out fine. Just don't get stressed out over it. I agree that it's the kids' party and should be just that. The adults need to let loose and let the kids enjoy themselves.

  16. sounds like a great idea for a party. and i agree about the car payment… funny… until you see the price tag. since when do i have to send every kid home with a goody bag that costs more than the cheapy gift my kid receives.

    i say go easy and go cheap.

    and as for the party nazis?? stay home. i agree.

    popping by via supah.

    have a fun party!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!