Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!

Can you tell I'm a little excited!!! Oh yes the day is here Rick started his new job yesterday!!! He's back in the Loss Prevention field which he loves but of course my family thinks is a no where job. We've had this talk before love them to death know they want the best for me and the kids but no matter what I can't get them to understand that this is a job he is good at and yes we've had our bumps and bruises with it but right now I'm just over joyed he has a job!

Now I know everyone is having their ups and downs right now so this is just me venting about the last few months no pity party ... I've already had one for myself .. hehe :).

First Month we were ok we can handle this, my boss very generously gave us extra and I had a buffer in the account. We both have never been out of work longer then a few weeks we can handle this.

Second Month ok this is getting tight thankfully Rick's part time job gave him about a 1/4 of his usual pay, my dad had some extra work for him to do but of course the rain came and put a literal damper on that.

Third Month there was no more we can hang with this we no longer had the buffer and no longer was able to pay some bills. Juggling I have found I'm not the best at .. hehe.

Now hopefully we can get back to normal it may take sometime but we'll dig our way out!

I'm not one to ask for help and have been blessed with help from friends and the church. My family has allowed Rick to work for money, borrowing there was burned long ago when I was young. Some how the house duties stayed on my shoulders along with the kids, bless his soul he did do odd jobs and what he could to bring in money but getting up before Noon and kid duty along with inside house duty not party of the plan.

I'll continue to work my 2 jobs I think I've done this almost my whole life and we'll be tight and making up on past due for a while but Thank the Lord that my prayers have been answered. Thank you again for all the support, love and prayers they mean more to me then you would ever know.

And to the behind bills I'm trying :) This may be another month of juggling, and seeing what else I can sale on Craigslist ... :)


  1. you and yours will most def be in my prayers...
    so many times it seems that NOTHING will ever look up... but it will, and it does...
    thinking of ya..

    have a lovely wkend

  2. Im so glad he was able to find a job and take maybe some of the load off your shoulders! Prayers your way!

  3. So glad he found another job, something he enjoys. Hope everything starts to look up for all of you...hugs! HOpe your weekend is wonderful

  4. :) Sounds like things are going to work out! My husband was laid off 2weeks after we bought our about a slap in the face..I understand. It took us about 6 months to recovery once he got back to work but stay on a tight budget and it will all work out!!!

  5. I'm so glad things are getting better!!!! Congrats to you and Rick!

  6. You so rock Poser.. He got a job and smiles will be coming soon.. Hugs.

  7. congrats!! I am a slacker and dont' get around very often when I stumbled upon a comment you left someone else I remembered that I used to visit often! Hope all is well, glad things are turning around

    The bzz, Brandy

  8. Thank goodness he found a job! You're such a positive person. I would have been curled up in the fetal position 2 months ago.

  9. Great, great news! I'll keep praying as you catch up on everything!

  10. Alexis that is great.. Glad he finally found something.. Life is a snag right now.. I am happy i got my hours almost back up and running. i am missing two hours a week yet but its good enough for me.. Ok Ok I am gone.. I need to go get hubby from work.. and then we ahve to eat and then iam off to work. sorry those dang video's wouldnt let you see them. i dont know whats wrong with them..

  11. RIGHT ON!! Happy for you guys! :)

  12. Yea!! I'm SO happy for you and your husband!! Good for you for supporting your man -- you guys know what's best for your family. God bless you both!!

  13. I'm very glad he has a job.
    I'm very happy for you.

    (said with just a touch of sarcasm) I hope he gets up before noon for the job.....

  14. Happy for you! This will definitely take some of the stress off for you guys.

  15. Congrats on the new least part of the burden can be lifted!

  16. Hip hip hooray ! ! ! That is great news, I am so happy for you.

  17. Awesome! So glad he's working again. Do I see a pedicure in your future???

    You sound so much like my friend, though. Her husbands works. Period. Oh, and does a little hunting and drinking, I mean, fishing. She works two jobs, keeps the house, and takes care of all 3 of her kids. In all honesty, I don't know how she hasn't killed him by now.

  18. You've been through some struggles lately and it's good to hear that things may be looking up. Congrats to him for getting the job.

  19. Yay! Yay!! I feel bad I got a little behind on my reading duties! I am so excited for you. You are such a hard worker and you must be incredibly organize becausee you can accomplish so much!! Best wishes and I am now doing the happy dance for you!!

  20. You know I'm doing the happy dance for you all!! I'll keep saying my prayers for you to help you get out of the hole.
    Don't you worry what anyone else says about his job... you do what is best for your family and if it helps you pay the bills and you guys are happy... Go for it!!
    Great big hugs for you all!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!