Friday, July 9, 2010

Holler My Single Friends!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of All opinions are 100% mine.

Before getting married I tried my hand at online dating. Some were hits and some were real misses. The problem before with meeting online you don't really get to know them and then you show up at a mutual "Well lighted" place and then sit awkwardly trying to figure out where to start. The whole time trying to remember if you put deodorant on and crap is there anything in my teeth?

There is a great virtual dating place I've come across. is a fun new dating site with fun features and communication tools. Creating an account was super easy (yes I did one up to share how simple it was). They have some really cool features that helps you get to know the person before you meet in person. If you're single you MUST check out this site! Plus if you upload a picture to your profile you get 3 months FREE! I think my favorite would be the "Get to know me" game like Love Match. I'm a sucker for those old game shows and love to play along! You can even create a 3D avatar that looks like you, yes girls you can customize the clothes, hair and more!!! Your avatar can even flirt how freaking cool is this :), they respond naturally to typed text. Oh yes online dating has gone to a whole new level then back in my day!

Head over create your FREE account, upload your picture for 3 free months and give it a whirl. What still not convinced?

According to a Harvard study (2006),

“Virtual Dates cause individuals to develop greater affinity toward one another when they actually meet.”

"The new cutting edge is interactive, virtual dating.”
Hello can you argue with Harvard? Enjoy and let me know how it goes, I can't wait to see how you like it!

Visit my sponsor: Why Try Virtual Dating?



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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!