Thursday, October 14, 2010

Living w/ Boys Sticky Notes Part II

Only Parent Chronicles
I've saved the bathroom ones other not so pretty things for another post :)


  1. That's funny! :)

    Girls are just as bad...a 10 year old takes her jeans off and just leaves them inside out until I come along and put them in the laundry. Oh, and I think I need to reteach them what a garbage can is, they leave wrappers etc. EVERYWHERE!

  2. Boys, what are you gonna do with 'em? I guess just clean them up and clean up after them.

  3. I'm just relieved to know that mine isn't the only one. Ewww about the chunk of milk, though!

  4. Yeah, I've seen all of that... More than once. Usually it's my daughter bringing the frogs inside!

  5. Oh boy! Sounds like too much fun. This Mommy has a new rule - If YOU don't pick it up, and I do, it's MINE. I put it in a box in the garage. This continues until they realize they are rapidly running out of toys. Jake is only 4 and Abby 2 but it really works! Yes, there is a tantrum the first couple of times, but overall now they pick shit up.
    I don't know about the frog thing...I think they are cute and my daughter would be the culprit not my
    If you ever need a break, coffee, a weekend or a whole week, I have an extra room, a garage full of wine, a soaking tub and I won't tell anyone you are here. (and I really truely mean that too).

  6. You can come stay with us. Those boys just make me laugh.. Have a great weekend Poser..

  7. Bwahahaha.If you don't mind goats, chickens and cats head on out.

  8. aaaaaaaahhh
    boys boys boys..
    and this is why i want a little girl!!

    have a wonderful wkend!!!!!!!!!

  9. Oh my, oh my your boys keep you busy. You know you are always welcome here. (of course with our full house now I can only offer you an airobed in one of the offices!) Enjoy you weekend.

  10. Yep, my daughter and son are co-conspirators. I have Hannah Montana stickers all over my kitchen table, and my husband's truck windows are covered with monster truck stickers. I would kill him over a curdled milk cup, though! Ewww...

  11. Oh my... your boys really do keep you on your toes!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  12. LOL!

    You can come stay in my basement but it's not much better around here.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Sorry I had to laugh!! Only because my girls are just as bad and then you add the drama to it and it gets too crazy!!

  14. LOL how funny, sorry mom! Gavyn is still this way. I have found everything in his room and it drives me insane!!!

  15. Not to cuss... just to be frank... don't you want just ONE DAY when ALL their shit stayed where it was supposed to? Just ONE DAY...seriously... ONE MEASLY little day!?!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Were you taking pictures at my house without my permission?? LOL

    I feel your pain sister. I feel your pain.

  18. Hahaha.. So funny. I don't have any nephews, but I have friends who have small boys in the family. Tehehe...

    Totally adorable.. mischievous but cute. =)

    Anyway, PINT newbie here.. Not yet a mom, but I hope it's okay to join this meme.. Please check out my post-its. I'd also appreciate it if you could drop a comment. Thanks a bunch!! =)

  19. Haha! Hilarious! Is that what I get to look forward to?! My son already emptied a box of my tampons in the bathroom sink and turned the faucet on!
    I came from a family of 5, 3 of them boys so I totally relate to all the mischievous things they do!

  20. Sadly - they don't get better with age. My hubby is in his 30s and will still bring beetles in the house to show me how cool they are. Last night he was chasing an armadillo around the yard at 10:30...

  21. This sounds like my son!

    We went on a weekend vacation when my daughter was little. When we came home I found a sippy cup of milk hiding in the toy box. So gross!

  22. OMG that milk cup... gross!!! Sounds just like my brother though!!

  23. Ha, those are great, the other day I asked my son to put his plate in the sink... Somehow it ended up in the freezer with ALL the food still on it (didn't eat dinner and thought that was a good hiding spot!?!)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!