Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Birthday Party day before Easter am I crazy??

I didn’t think about it when I scheduled Cole’s 7th Birthday party that it would be the day before Easter (ugh). So it was a little crazy for me planning the party and making sure it all went off with out a hitch. Ok who am I kidding … just a party with out a melt down. hehe

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The party was a HUGE success, I believe we had 23 kids show (that includes siblings). At first I didn’t have enough adults in pool (had to have an adult for every 3 kids under 7. So we had one grumpy lifeguard at first. But then we had enough adults and the hour & half flew by.

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Then my AMAZING friends helped me turn a empty room into party central in 15 minutes!! They are freaking awesome, I don’t know what I would do with out them. Pizza arrived and the kids eat 6 pizza’s in no time FLAT and all cupcakes gone Smile. Cole was a little shy while everyone sang to him then great gifts. That last pic is of the mess my house was left after the boys opened up every gift.

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Then a little egg dying Smile.

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The boys had a great egg hunt at church. We then had a brunch with my parents. The boys were so excited to do a egg hunt at their house, but their furnace crapped out so they had to go get a new one. Of course when I got home it poured rain so I did one inside Smile.

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For the yummy cakes I made a blue velvet cupcake mix.


Blue Velvet Cupcakes

<p>I used this in a cupcake that was cooked in a ice cream cone for my son&#8217;s birthday party.</p>

See Blue Velvet Cupcakes on Key Ingredient.

Then in the ice cone’s (with a little white cake mix to look like waves). Then we went up to my moms to frost them and make the pool themed cupcakes! They were so cute and a HUGE hit with the kids Smile.


Beary Fun Cupcake Cones

<p>We having a pool &#8220;theme&#8221; party and these cupcakes were just perfect!</p>

See Beary Fun Cupcake Cones on Key Ingredient.

Remember to link up to my girls at Thursday Recipe Swap Meet.


  1. You are indeed a Super Mom! What a great idea, a swim party...get'em good and tired so you can pour a glass of wine and feet up! Right?

  2. Wow! I can't believe how much you fit into the weekend! I hope you were able to relax a bit afterwards :-)

  3. crazy crazy.. but it does sound awesome!!!

    oh.. by the way.. your hair is very pretty!!

  4. I'm glad it went so well. The smiles make all the angst worth it!

  5. I love theme parties and those cupcakes are adorable!

  6. HUGE turnout for the party - did everyone that RSVP'd yes come? I have never heard of blue velvet cupcakes before - ELI would LOVE them that color!!!

  7. Super-mom? No, you are a super duper mom! You are creating some beautiful memories for your kids. Blessings, Joanne

  8. Oh. my. god. You ARE super mom!! I think you should teach Super Mom lessons. Seriously.

  9. FUN!!!
    I think I'll come to Cole's party next year :D

  10. Haha the first picture is hilarious. I love those desserts you made. you seem like such a fun mom. your son's birthday brought me back so many memories of when I was in elementary school.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Happy birthday to Cole! Looks like he had a super awesome party. The boys look handsome in their Easter outfits.

  13. Those cupcakes are the cutest thing ever. Sounds like another typical Alexis weekend - go, go, go but fun for the kiddos. You're such a great mom.

  14. It may have been crazy but it looks like it was fun. What a great turnout! The boys look so cute in their Easter clothes. Those cone cupcakes look so good.

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BIG GUY! Wow! You must be best Mommy of the Year! You go girl! All that for one special little guy! Terrific. Will you adopt me? lol Thanks for joining us today with your fabulous recipes. Hope to see you next weeke too!

  16. Thanks for linking up with us!
    I totally love your photos, you are the funniest person, but the greatest mom.
    I have never heard of blue velvet cupcakes, how cool!
    I know that Cole loved everything you did for him.
    I still adore what Caden does when you tell him to smile for a photo... too cute!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!