Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Turkey Burger & Meatballs (Skinny Style)

On our adventure to eat healthier and better meals I am still on the search to find new meals that we haven’t tried so far.  Ground Turkey has become a new staple in my life and the boys don’t even mind it, yeah!!  I hope you enjoy Smile.

I saw this recipe and just had to try it out!  I made these for company and they loved them even my friends little one who usually only eats a bite or two ate his whole burger.  The white beans made the turkey stretch, I had so many Turkey & White Bean Burgers left over.


Turkey & White Bean Burgers

<p>Looking for a yummy burger that will fill you up but not give you a belly. I made ciabatta bread for the bun :).</p>

See Turkey & White Bean Burgers on Key Ingredient.

Now this I made my own Ciabatta Bread for the bun, I used Whole Wheat Flour and only did small portions for everyone.


Ciabatta Bread

<p>Yummy bread to add something great to any sandwich</p>

See Ciabatta Bread on Key Ingredient.

And of course to throw in just one more yummy turkey recipe is this super easy and delish Skinny Italian Spinach Meatballs.  I served them over whole wheat pasta and the boys loved them, Cole went back for seconds!  Even Rick (the one who is always saying can’t you just make something normal) turned to me and said “These aren’t that bad”.  YUP that is a HIGH compliment from him Smile.


Skinny Italian Spinach Meatballs (WW 5pts)

<p>We&#8217;re big meatball fans here, I made these with ground turkey and were so yummy!</p>

See Skinny Italian Spinach Meatballs (WW 5pts) on Key Ingredient.

I'm linking up to: Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesday,Tuesday at the Table, Delectable Tuesday, Delicious Dishes, Totally Tasty Tuesday,Hearth and Soul and Thursday Recipe Swap Meet.


  1. Oh my gosh, I am starving now! I am following along!


  2. Oh my that all looks good. Sometimes I miss eating meat.....

  3. Ha! at first glance I thought this said 'Looking for a younger burger...' Okay I tried chicken meatballs recently and I am sorry to say the meeting did not go well...they could not fool me...so I hired a younger sexier veal meatball :)

    like how you make your own buns! Now I could go for younger buns...

  4. You never cease to amaze me. Those spinach meatballs really look good.

  5. The spinach meatballs look especially outstanding.

  6. Oh my goodness - thank you for sharing all of those! What beautiful food :P I love your measuring cups by the way :D Thank you so much for sharing all of this - truly a beautiful and creative post :D

  7. Meatballs are one of my favorites! we had burgers tonight but they were take out (Late lacrosse game) and they were awful! Nothing like homemade. Blessings, Joanne

  8. Turkey burgers look good! Tried the muffin tin omelettes and the kids LOVE them...that's all they want for breakfast now and they eat a bit more than they would otherwise too.

  9. They both sound good to me. You're really eating healthy these days!

  10. that bread looks amazing.. Yummy.. I love boats also.. I have never been on a jet ski though.. be sure to stop by some time today the poser is out again.. Love ya..

  11. Hmm My gram use to put spinach in her lasagna. Wonder if she did that to her meatballs too. Oh well, I'm just gonna have to tr it. Thanks for sharing.

  12. The ciabatta bread looks delish! I've never tried making it, but I'm sure my husband would appreciate an attempt sometime ;)

  13. Two entries... you are the BEST!!
    These all look amazing. I love ciabatta bread but have never made it. I have never used my bread makers dough setting, I should try it sometime.
    Thanks for being such a great friend and supporting us with our fledgling meme. YOU ROCK!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!