Tuesday, May 10, 2011

BBQ Pizza (maybe not so healthy) so I threw in a low fat bun recipe =D

So yes we had a not so healthy dinner for pizza night the other night.  BUT I did stick to portion control so I don’t feel so bad Smile.  We all deserve a little pleasure. 

Rick loves the BBQ pizza at Papa Murphy’s but they only have it during the summer so I went to my gal Alex’s website for a BBQ Chicken Pizza.  I love her site if you haven’t been there go there, sign up for her FB feed that is what I love to see Smile.


BBQ Chicken Pizza

<p>My family loves the <span class="caps">BBQ</span> Chicken from Papa Murphy&#8217;s but it&#8217;s only seasonal. During the off season try making your own :).</p>

See BBQ Chicken Pizza on Key Ingredient.

So feeling guilty about my pizza splurge I went to find a healthy roll for our dinner later in the week I headed over to Spark People (which is a great site for motivation & recipes) for this Bread Machine Whole Wheat Buns.  I did the dough in the machine and then formed the balls let rise and then in the oven to finish them off Smile.


Bread Machine Whole Wheat Buns

<p>These buns were so yummy and perfect for the sloppy joes I made for dinner.</p>

See Bread Machine Whole Wheat Buns on Key Ingredient.

I'm linking up to: Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesday,Tuesday at the Table, Delectable Tuesday, Delicious Dishes, Totally Tasty Tuesday,Hearth and Soul and Thursday Recipe Swap Meet.


  1. oh goodness!
    i am SUCH A PIZZA lover i normally have it anywhere from 2-3 times a week... but i have not touched pizza in the last 3 weeks.. so now, i'm sorta salivating!!!
    lol.. it looks awesome, and i love bbq pizza too!

  2. Your pizza came out looking sooooo good, way better than any homemade pizza I've seen! YUM!

  3. The pizza looks so good! I usually use plain old store bought bbq sauce for our bbq chicken pizza so I might have to step it up and try this for a change! Thanks! Looks yummy!

  4. I was laughing when you announced it was not so low cal! I love BBQ pizza after discovering it in St. Louis, well their version. There is a low cal version with tofu...did you just say Yuck! LOL

  5. I love BBQ chicken pizza! and I say this all the time, but I love the way you picture everything for us!

  6. You have to be able to eat what you love or you will not be able to live in the real world. As long as you do so in moderation you will be fine.

    Sounds like you handled it beautifully! You go girl!

  7. It looks sooooo delish! I need to try making that!


  8. So glad Rick can get his fix in the nonsummertime!!! :) Thanks babe!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  9. Chicken Bbq pizza has always been on our pizza toping lists :) who doesnt luv a good ole slice of it! Looks good darls! Nothing beats homemade bread or rolls delish! Specially right out of the oven with some homemade butter and homemade sugar free freezer jam! MM MM MMMMMMM :)

  10. You are so good...I would of just dumped a bottle of BBQ sauce on the pizza...lol! Forget all the fuss! :) You know me and my simplicity in cooking! Those rolls looks great! :)

  11. The pizza sounds wonderful and of course the rolls look delicious.

  12. Yummy! I need a bread machine, saying that I'm scared to death of yeast for some reason, and can you believe I have never used it ever?

  13. Holy shit, you ARE supermom! You work, wife, mom and bake from scratch? You make your own rolls? MAN ALIVE... ok, seriously, fill me in on this... ok? I need to know!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!