Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Celebrating Me (What too much?)

Yeah it was Mother's day this past weekend and now I wish I could say I slept in  and had breakfast in bed but I did have a great day with the kids and Rick.

Friday Cole’s school had there version of the Olympics.  Local Lutheran schools meet up each year to do this.  It was a rainy off and on day but overall it was a fun day! 

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Saturday after I finished up work we headed to my friends daughters birthday party.  It was at a skating rink (Cole has only been skating once) so he tried to go out there and skate (his shoe size was too big for the ones that can be tightened).  Thankfully the birthday girl’s dad took Cole around once.  So then Cole thought he would try to do it by himself poor thing got to first bench and kept falling.  He saw the dad coming back again and thought he could hitch a ride but I don’t think he saw him so poor Cole sat there with his hand out as he passed him.  My poor boy had a sudden look of hurt, If I could have run out there I would have.  He then tried to go the wrong way to get back to me with tears in his eyes.  He fell a few more times the employee came over & instead of helping him told him to go the right way.  Oh goodness I wanted to cry for him.  He tried again to come back to me fell really hard and crawled back to me.  Oh lord mama’s heart was breaking, so skating is not our thing … Smile.

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Saturday pm I started to work on a scrapbook for mom for Mother’s Day.  It wasn’t one of my best books but hey for 6 hours I poured my heart into it.  I’m all about the homemade gifts.  Are you like me when you give someone a gift that took you hours to do for them to sit there and spend just as much time oohing and ahhing?  Every time I’ve done a scrapbook for someone it gives me so much joy but I don’t think the person receiving it has ever truly taking the time to drink it in but probably just me … lol. (Yes Caden was my helper)

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After Rick drove us up to give my mom her gift, the boys went down the park to toss the ball around.  Sadly on their way back it started to pour down on them.  A quick tumble in the dryer their clothes were dry and my parents were taking my grandmother to lunch so we headed out to go to lunch ourselves.  Rick told me I could get a pedicure but I know I’m so bad about taking time for myself so since he didn’t have a gift card I said let’s just go see if we can find me some new cookie sheets.  Sadly 2 stores and no luck Sad smile.  Overall a good day. (Side note biggest critic gave a card that they love me the way I am, I know they mean well but the harsh words that have been said and will be said will always be there, we may never be very close but we will move forward)

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We have started our 2nd month of swim lessons, thanks to my dad for paying for the boys it’s a great exercise for them. I’m SUPER excited Cole is taking a test today (Wednesday) to possibly move him up a class his teacher thinks after a month he is ready to move up!  I’m so proud of this little man.  I can still remember the day before we had him on his homeopathic pills and we got kicked out of Karate and asked not to return.  What a difference we have made Smile.

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We had a few amazing days of sun, in between a TON of rain.  So when the sun breaks the boys run outside with the neighbor kids for some bike riding, super soakers and screaming Smile.

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Wow that was fun, I think I may have sat in there some where … lol.  Happy Wednesday everyone, yesterday was a busy day and I didn’t get a chance to stop by and say hi.  I promise tonight I will Smile.


  1. Funny that when the sun shines they want to go out and play with super soakers.

  2. Has anyone ever told you that your boys look just like you?? They are just adorable!

    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. What a weekend.. OH Cole I would have been right there in tears with you. Poor little guys.. YOu had a nice weekend and I am glad you did.. Have a nice night..

  4. Sounds like you had a pretty good day on mother's day. I love that you made scrap books...I always MEAN to do that but I never get around to getting my pictures printed out...
    We need to plan a get together...maybe next weekend?

  5. My heart hurt reading about Cole. So sweet to make that book. Glad they are able to continue with their swim lessons. Busy times.

  6. I have a lump in my throat..your pictures tell the whole sweet story of your weekend. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Joanne

    P.S. I think it's awesome that you are moving on even with the critics in your life...Life is too short....and therapy is too expensive!!!! I know...I checked!!!! LOL! Blessings!!!!

  7. What an eventful weekend! Sounds like a lot of fun! And who needs roller skating when there's swimming...that's awesome Cole is doing so well! :-)

  8. Girl, how do you find the time to do it all??? You're my hero! Glad you had such a wonderful mother's day weekend.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  9. Gosh your posts every day after the weekend make me so so tired just reading them! You are one busy family. Glad you had a nice Mother's Day, love the scrapbook!

  10. You pack SO much into your days it makes me tired reading about it! Poor babe with the skating...I don't even climb into the things. Im destined to break a hip...even at my ripe young age. Its fate...I just know it! I fall walking up stairs and managed to walk face first into doors because I don't get the knob turned and door open before I try to walk through the way would I get on skates again!

  11. Poor little Cole on the skates, but WTG on the swimming lessons! Such a big boy - swimming is more fun than skating. =)
    Nice of you to get a card that said what it did - you know that is how I feel, HONESTLY!! Don't worry at all what other "people" say about you, I had to learn that the hard way, too.
    Belated Happy Mom's Day to one of the BEST moms I know, actually to SuperMom!!

  12. You need to suggest to them to build those little "things" for them to hold onto while they skate around. They're basically a walker made with PVD pipe on casters... and they're given to kids who don't know HOW to skate at skating rinks so they can still get out there and learn and have fun. :(


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!