Friday, May 20, 2011

I fell into the Rabbit Hole & found Snooki! UGH

Only Parent Chronicles

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  1. LOL! I cringe when I read about the Jersey Shore show, because it is so NOT the reality of New Jersey! Your descriptions made me laugh, though. :)

  2. Admit it knew exactly their names and language! LOL! Totally fake people if you ask me.

    You made me laugh! :)

  3. hahaha! I know we have some of those at my gym too. Full makeup, orange skin, and sexy outfits while they work out just look ridiculous!

  4. LOL! Turn Turn Turn AWAY from the dark side Alexis! Don't you know that one look at them and you will Start teasing your hair and wearing three inch false eyeslashes?!!!quick put on some music...if you do the fist pump to the beat...well then it might be too late! Blessings, Joanne

  5. Yikes! Run, run far far away...or at least keep your eyes on your ipad and away from that stuff!

  6. I never saw anyone like that when I lived in NJ but then I lived in the classy part of NJ

  7. Hey, I didn't have to google Umpa Lumpa or Pebbles!

  8. I'd have to google too becuase while I do'nt watch tv,if I did, I CERTAINLY, wouldn't watch that shit!

  9. Oh good lord, I hope there isn't more than one group of those @$$holes running around????
    PLEASE, next time you see them, you HAVE to take a photo so we can all have a look. =)

  10. LOL...I would have to google all those names too! This was funny.

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!