Thursday, June 30, 2011

Amazing Bloggy Friends!!

I wanted to take a few moments to thank my amazing bloggy friends!  I couldn’t have asked for better friends than what I have gotten here.  You stop by and I’m greeted with your comments that make me smile and laugh.  Thank you for not being “readers” but actual people that I can call friends.

It’s amazing the friends you meet here and the connection you have.  Some people may look at us like were nuts when we talk about our blog friends some we haven’t even meet in real life.  People don’t understand the bond we have with our friends here.  They will give you a call, text or email when they see something on your blog.  They know you sometimes more then the people in your real life do.  Over the years I have gotten cards and gifts out of the blue and for special occasions from these amazing ladies I have met.  I want to thank you for your support and friendship.

I have received such thoughtful gifts for my birthday.  Post card from their trips to Paris & even amazing Flip-Flop Swap Partners!  Thank you again ladies you’ll all so amazing!

Thank you again to Kimberly B (nightowl), Debby (Just Breathe) and Amy (Keeping up w/the Schultz) for the cards & birthday gifts. XOXO

Debby (Just Breathe)

for thinking of me while in Paris

Paris 1


And my Poser Amy for being the Flip-Flop Swap Partner.

Love ya Poser.  I promise not to cook a piggy for a few wks … lol

(She’s my non pig meat eater … yup that’s what the pigs are for)

Blogger Pics12

Blessed I am each and everyday with people I may have never meet in real life but feel like I’ve known for my whole life.  Thank you again for being part of my everyday life.  You bring me smiles and tears with laughter and even if I’m having a funk mood your there! XOXO


  1. I am so glad I can call you my friend too! Isn't it amazing the bonds we have made through our blogs...and yes, most don't get it!

    I just sent my partner her flip flops yesterday and I should be receiving hers much fun girl! Thanks for hosting such a fun swap! :)

  2. I will alway be here for you.. You are an amazing woman and friend to me.. I am so happy we met and can't wait for our journey to grow more and more.. Those flip flops look amazing on your feet.. I hope they fit okay and you enjoy them.. Debby rocks.

  3. I SO agree!!! Bloggy friends are just great!!

    I have so enjoyed the Flip-Flop Swap. Thanks so much for letting me participate, and also for paring me with Robyn in ALASKA!! Now how did you know that is me and my man's dream vacation? The hubs and I so want to go there one day. So I have gotten to live vicariously my love for Alaska, through Robyn. So fun =)

    Her Flip-Flops are in the mail and I am one happy girl to have gotten to give such a fun gift to a new friend.

    Have a Super Blessed weekend,

  4. I have only been doing this for less than a year but I love my new Bloggy friends too! I love coming to your blog. Its so comfy cozy here. and you have the best snacks!
    Blessings, Joanne

  5. I agree, it's great to have such wonderful bloggy friends.

  6. Aw crap! I totally forgot to get something for my flip flop partner. Guess I need to go shopping tomorrow!!

  7. You are an amazing and beautiful person, with a HUGE heart. I wish I lived closer to you and many other bloggers I visit. Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!!!

  8. Oh, now you make me feel guilty :(

    Hmmm, what can I trade with you? I cannot wear flip flops, my instep is too big, so shoes do not fit on the top, sucks I know...

    I can send treats! Send address again, I am horrible about finding what I did with stuff...

  9. :-)
    Hmm, It must be that you are such a sweet gal, people just can't help but what to make friends with you. Have a great holiday weekend!

  10. and you make it a pleasure to come here xx

  11. You know how much I love you and I couldn't agree more with how much bloggy friends mean to me. You and I have been there for each other when we needed it and I know we always will.
    I'm so glad you got such fabulous things from your other wonderful friends - you deserve them all and SOOOOO much more.
    I have something on my blog for you that you also deserve:

  12. Love the flip flops!! It is amazing what incredible blog friends we meet. I am blessed to have gotten to know you and someday we will still get together for lunch!! Have an wonderful weekend!!

  13. I too have met an amazing amount of bloggers, a place where I can express my thought without judgement.

  14. I saw the name of your blog over at Lories' site and I just had to stop by. I absolutely love the name!

    So glad you have such great bloggy friends to depend on, they are oh so important!

  15. Happy Tuesday my friend.. Have a great week..


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!