Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Birthday Weekend (Exploded and Over flowed)

Talk about a weekend FULL, I even missed one birthday party Sad smile which I was so sorry about.  But we did have a lot of fun and I didn’t get much sleep but all worth it!

Thursday Rick’s Cousin’s wife (trying saying that a few times fast) is a hairdresser and she was VERY kind and let me and the boys come over & I was able to get my hair done!  I’m horrible at cuts it takes me about 2 or 3 days to find my way with styling.  I think I finally got it!

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Saturday we headed to the Lowe’s Kid Clinic to make a really cool waving flag.  The staff was not organized this time, I ended up passing out the supplies to get the show moving.  We had a birthday party to go and I still needed to make cupcakes for my party.  Sadly we didn’t get my cousin’s son’s birthday party.

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I was running behind so we head right up to my birthday party BBQ.  Well that was after I made a few stops for food.  I needed to pick up the meat, cheese & dessert.  I added it all up and I spent as much for my birthday that I do for the kids parties.  I guess next time we’ll just skip a party for me (I know spending money on ourselves is so hard).  The Pie Bake off was fun, 3 of my friends brought pies.  One slice ended up on my friends foot and yes that is me cleaning the floor.  The party was a lot of fun, and as Rick said it was good to spend a little money on myself since I never do.  Friends that I haven’t seen in years showed up.  Time & Distance mean nothing to true friends as my friend Casey said.  It shows you want amazing friends you have that do that.  I think I’m good for another 35 years … lol Smile.  Great times!

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After my party we headed to my friend April’s house (our Tuesday Dinner company).  The kids had a blast with her husband coloring the driveway Smile.  We didn’t end up leaving until close to Midnight which is great LONG day.  I hope to do it again soon well with out the BBQ food cost … lol.

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Sunday was another Birthday party.  The kids had a blast and you would think they would pass out for the night but of course not … lol.

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We had another swim class, the teacher is getting better but still doesn’t have a plan for the smaller kids.  They played ring around the rosy. But no REAL take turns swim lessons like the other teacher.  I’m really wondering if we should do next month.  But Cole’s new teacher is fab so I guess we just have to be happy with one out of two?

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Cole’s classmate had his birthday also so we headed over to his house for some fun playtime.  Our gift was a HUGE hit all the kids wanted to play it so they opened it up and hour of fun they had.  That is after a 1/2 hour of us adults trying to figure out how to get it to work .. lol.

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Now for some recipes I made for my own birthday party … lol.

I made some Fancy Lime Jello Shots for the adults.  These were super strong and good.  But they took me an HOUR to scoop the crap out of them.  I guess I’m worth it … lol


Fancy Lime Jello Shots

<p>These were a hit with my friends and so cute!</p>

See Fancy Lime Jello Shots on Key Ingredient.

Then I found these super cute cupcakes to make.  Also another time consuming activity but again I’m worth it … lol.  I never spend time or money on myself, so why not go all out.  This one and only time … lol.  Now the original recipe called for brownies, BUT my brownies turned out a little wonky so I made cupcakes instead.


Grill'em Up Cupcakes

<p>These cupcakes were so easy and yummy! The original was made with brownies but let&#8217;s just say my brownie cupcakes didn&#8217;t turn out so we went with plan B cupcakes :)</p>

See Grill'em Up Cupcakes on Key Ingredient.

Happy Wednesday everyone, hope your having a wonderful day!


  1. I love how your hair came out! I can't believe I have never had a jello shot!

  2. Very cute ideas for sure.

    If you are PAYING for swimming lessons and not getting swimming lessons it is NOT ok to let it ride.

  3. Ok so you need to open a bakery girl! You are getting so awesome at that stuff! I LOVE the jello shots and the cupcakes!
    I just saw some 'smores cupcakes and thought of you.

  4. Glad you had a great birthday! You sound so busy, and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun! :)

  5. what a fun birthday Poser.. I love those jello shots and cup cakes.. they are way cute.. I do love the new hair style it is so you...

  6. WOW! what a weekend!!!!!! how the heck do you do it all?!!!! Those jello shots look yummers...and I don't even drink ...but jello shots are different its technically not drinking...soooooooo pass 'em down sista!
    Blessings, Joanne

  7. What fun!!! Your hair looked phenomenal!! :)

  8. I like your new hairdo. I've had jello shots before but never like those. Pretty cool!

  9. I am exhausted just reading this post. How the hell do you do it all?


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!