Friday, June 10, 2011

I’m Going to be 35! Wow is that suppose to be a milestone?

When your young you get the “What do you Want for your birthday?”.  Of course you can rattle off a long list of every toy, book and whatever is a flash in the pan.  When you become older and a mom it’s like trying to get a grass stain out of your favorite white capri’s to say what you want.  You mean I’m suppose to think of me first?  Usually I’ll say oh I don’t know … but this time I thought what the heck I’ll think about it this time … lol.  And in my warp funny mind why not do as a post it note, only if all of life could be handled on a post it note.


Found this baby on Amazon (yes Rick said I can have it)

One heck of a deal reg $249.99 for $78.54

Cannon Power Shot

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Ok even before kids not this good … lol.


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Don’t those look comfy?


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Well maybe not her.  But I don’t know what his problem is with me having help.  He says we don’t live in a mansion why would we need a nanny.  BECAUSE I work from home and need help!  I can stand having someone live in our house and feed them if they would keep the boys busy during the day!


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I would love to sit there drink a cup of coffee in silence.  DON’T try to chit chat with me, I’m reading a book and drinking coffee!

pedicure with coffee

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This would be part of my being silent!


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Wouldn’t it be amazing to have someone come clean up and one last thing for you to worry while working at home and taking care of the kids!  Oh yes this would be a dream come true!

Merry Maid

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Man how I loved this stuff, then working at home I cancelled my subscription.  I only wear make up on weekends but I would LOVE to get this again!!

Bare Minerals

Wow look what happens when I put my mind to something … lol.  Well I may only get the camera (since I bought it myself online) but hey it was fun dreaming.  And 35 really isn’t a big thing, but hey at the gym I won’t have to change the age since that is the # they have as the starting # on the machines … lol.  To 35, next Thursday here I come!


  1. One day, we are truly going to celebrate together!

    You have me laughing on the nanny part, but hey, why not? If she is a college student and needs room and board, but not too pretty, you know what they say...look at Arnold! Rick is far better looking than he is!!!

    Yikes, did I just stir that honey pot! LOL

    Happy Birthday to us
    Happy Birthday to us

    Happy Birthdayyyyyyyyy to us

    I am depressed that you are the age I would so love to return too...I could be your mother!

  2. Happy Birthday.

    When I was working full time I had someone come in to clean and I didn't have kids.

  3. That's a great list! Have a wonderful birthday. You know I'm old enough to be your mother? Your card is in the mail, enjoy!

  4. Yes to a nanny, at least part-time. Yes to a cleaning service too! And I hate it when people talk to me during a pedi. Let me relax people!!

  5. First off sorry I did not stop by yesterday.. I had Bunco at my house and was getting things ready.. I love your Birthday list. I also want a new camera. Mine some times gets stuck when I try to push the button to take the picture. Or the next thing I know the picture comes out blurry because of it.. I need a new one before our baby comes.. I want a new body also.. Bare Minerals Rock.. Have a great day my friend..

  6. Oh cool camera! I need a new one too. My son dropped it and now it doesn't zoom :O( I should have asked for it for mother's day but instead I asked for a GPS for the car....I am ALWAYS getting lost..."maggie" (my gps) is my new buddy. she doesn't critize me and doesn't become sarcastic and roll her eyes when I make a wrong turn. she just patiently repeats another set of directions. Now if she could only scrub toilets then she would definitely be my B.F.F.! Great post. Blessings, Joanne

  7. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. I may need to get a new camera soon. I had one, but seemed to have lost it within the last week. I'd love to have maid service for a week.

  8. OH, what I wouldn't give to be 35. :)

    I used to be the same way about gifts. Not anymore. Now, I make a list. And, if I should happen to purchase something off that list, he knows it doesn't count as my gift! LOL...

    I love so many things on your list and completely agree with you about the whole pedicure thing. That's really annoying!

    By the way, you need that nanny. Pretty tough to work from home when the little ones are out of school!

    Happy early b-day!

  9. That's an awesome list, Alexis!

    Is it okay if I say "awesome" being ten years older than you? lol

    Seriously though, I feel exactly the same way when my husband asks what I want for any special day. Really? You can't possibly be for real in asking me what I want for myself. But the kids need new toothbrushes! And we need toilet paper! And the cats need some treats!

    I especially agree with you on the pedicure and the silence.

    In my *cough* 45 years, I don't think I've had but one relaxing pedicure. Don't get me wrong, it's not like they do everything wrong, it's just that I'm stressing either about not understanding them (the nail technicians around here have very heavy accents), or not knowing that they do things differently and I don't know what to expect. Or they try to yap at me. Great for some people, but I prefer to relax.

    And the silence. Oh the glorious silence! I have two girls at home ages 8 and 6 and BOY CAN THEY BABBLE! If they're not babbling, they're arguing with each other or actively trying to destroy something. I am SO lucky they aren't boys. If boys had their personalities, it would be like having an active tornado in the house at all hours. Phew!

    Happy pre Birthday, Alexis! I hope you at least are surprised with something you love. :)

    **By the way, I've changed blogs back to my original. Visit me at


  10. You SO deserve every single thing on that list along with a vacation on a tropical island with a cabana boy serving you delighful low-fat meals, fruit and delicious drinks with umbrellas in them (with me there to keep you company in silence, of course).
    But the camera is an awesome gift, too! =)

  11. Happy late birthday! :) How fun! And it's always nice to get a new camera! :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!