Monday, June 13, 2011

Pasta, Meatloaf and Yummy Cookies


<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Running Away"></a>

Look at me I’m trying out my new meme if you would like to play along, I sure would love to see more recipes Smile.

Well it was another busy weekend around here, and even yet again had problems using now my check. I swear I’m done with my bank and moving to a credit union, I’ve been embarrassed for the last time at a grocery store. I swear now I’m going to be paranoid when I pay for anything … ugh! Now on to the good Stuff, FOOD!!!

First on our list is Pasta with Bolognese Sauce that was a hit and very filling (as you can see I switched out to the Turkey Bacon).


Pasta with Bolognese Sauce

<p>This turned out so delicious!</p>

See Pasta with Bolognese Sauce on Key Ingredient.

I had low fat feta left and came across this very yummy recipe for Turkey, Spinach & Feta Meatloaf. As Rick said it wasn’t pretty but it was pretty good … and for Rick that is high praise … hehe Smile.


Turkey, Spinach & Feta Meatloaf (WW 5pts)

<p>Looking for a meatloaf recipe but not the same boring old way. This is a roll up with a surprise of spinach and feta in it!</p>

See Turkey, Spinach & Feta Meatloaf (WW 5pts) on Key Ingredient.

The church ladies asked me if I would make some cookies for the new comers to church (first visit you leave your address they bring cookies). I came across this recipe for Soft Oatmeal Cookies, that were so yummy and I was happy to get them right out of the house so I didn’t eat them all. 5 batches and my good deed was done Smile.


Soft Oatmeal Cookies

<p>I volunteer to make cookies for the new people who visit at church. I found oatmeal are the easiest to make and make the <span class="caps">BIG</span> cookies they like to pass out. This was a perfect recipe, my kitchen smelled so good.</p>

See Soft Oatmeal Cookies on Key Ingredient.

Happy Monday everyone, hope you have a recipe you would like to join in with and please remember to put our button.

Also make sure you link up to:



  1. Yummy everything sounds really good. You rock at cooking darling!

  2. So sweet of you to make cookies for the newcomers to church

  3. Can't wait to try that meatloaf!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  4. Yum! You are making me very hungry. I guess I need breakfast since meatloaf sounds good and it's only 9 a.m! :)

  5. I love stuffed meatloaf. I usually used spinach, but its only a hit with my husband...Lord knows I try! One of my faves is oatmeal cookies. reminds me of when I was little, and thin, and full of energy, without bills, and healthy and concerned with only being home to watch Happy days and laverne and shirley. and I had a mind as sharp as a tack....wait what was I talking about? where am I? oh yes....I love oatmeal cookies!they remind me of............

    Blessings, Joanne

  6. You know anything with spinach beckons me!

  7. Many years ago I had things stollen from my purse. I couldn't write check and actually seldom write them anymore. I use my check card from the bank only! So sorry for your trouble. Wow, the food all sounds so yummy!

  8. That meatloaf actually looks really good!

  9. those are yummy meals.. Love the cookies. I do not cook much but I would link up if I had something.. Thanks for stopping by.. Yes that blue is amazing.. Have an amazing night..

  10. The pasta and the cookies look really yummy, but I'm not sure on the meatloaf, I think I'll pass on that one.
    You need to remember to start saying NO to the church ladies, you are NOT the only one who can bake... you are way too nice. Oh, well, I hope you at least let Caden and Cole have some.
    Guess that is one reason why I lubs you so much. I will have to add this meme to my list, sorry I didn't know about it before hand, you know me - always behind. I'll try to remember for next Monday and get one ready for you, I may not have photos though.

  11. BTW, thanks so much for linking up with us again, I know everyone will LOVE the cookies.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!