Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Weekend 2011 Wrap Up

Thursday night Rick and I went out on a date night since we had a babysitter so we could meet with Cole’s principal for the end of year wrap up and evaluation if we will be welcomed back next year.  Well the secretary had the dates wrong it happen to be drama night at Cole’s school so we had to cancel the meeting but not time to cancel the babysitter.  So after drama night we went out to dinner, I’ve been eating so well for a few weeks so going out was a test I failed.  It all looked so well but I over did it and paid for it later that night.  Since then I have been sick as a dog Sad smile.

On side note we meet the Principal on Friday nothing but good words about Cole.  He has come leaps and bounds since the start of school, still has his moments but YEAH we’re doing well baby!!

Cole’s school does a Drama night each year.  This year they did the garden.  Cole played a flower and a WEED Smile.  The Weed’s rapped it was hilarious!  Cole even told the farmer that he didn’t want to become “Coleslaw”.  He had no idea why people laughed at his name … lol.

Darma night Cole needed Sunglasses to play a Weed so Caden had to get some Monkey glasses Smile. My parents even came which was great they usually don’t come to things that are very religious.  But this night it was just a play so everyone was happy.

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We had a few sun days so that means play time.  Which made us very dirty, my friend had to hose the boys down before they came in … lol.

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We had our last swim class until class start back up in late June.  Our teacher was gone so we had a new teacher.

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We had a Lowe's kids clinic making biplanes, let’s just say the reason you don’t see a finished product is momma was frustrated so yup we left I’ll have to finish those up later … lol

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We visited my parents to see all the changes they have done at their waterfront.  They added in a slide off the dock, tore up the grass put in blocks and bunch of dirt and then a concrete pad and a new gazebo. They also extended out the dock so the jetskii’s can be there the whole time.  We even had a tasty dinner.

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Happy Wednesday everyone!!


  1. I'm tired just reading all of that. I hope you at least sat down and took a breather in between!

  2. I don't know how you do it... But it's fun reading about it!

  3. Sounds like a GREAT weekend! (except for the sick thing, other than that, really awesome)

  4. as always busy busy busy! im bloody worn out just reading about what u get up to sometimes :) the play sounded cute!

  5. wow you guys had a date night? I m soooo jealous. the last time me and the hubster went out......well it seem to remember all our friends there...yep there was Ross and Joey and Rachel and Chandler and....wait nope that was the show...I don't know when the heck it was. Blessings, Joanne

  6. I was almost afraid to open and read...your wrap ups always leave me wondering where the heck you get your energy.

    I'm happy you got some date time and Coleslaw was super funny!!!!

  7. I need a date night with just my hubs soon!!

  8. Love the flowers at your parents house.. You look amazing. Yeah for Cole I am proud of him.. Have a great day..

  9. You were very busy. So glad that Cole is doing well. Love the monkey glasses. Your parents place looks really nice. Do they let you enjoy it whenever you want or only by invitation?

  10. I'm glad you had a date night except for the part where you got sick.

  11. Love your parent's gazebo. So glad to hear Cole is doing well in school.

  12. Yeah for Cole! Sounds like he's had a good school year.

    I'm looking forward to a date night sometime in the next couple of weeks. Gotta get these monkeys off to FL first.

  13. Busy, busy weekend, AGAIN!
    Great that you got to have some free time with Rick.
    Love the drama with the flowers and weeds... TeeHee "Cole"slaw.
    So happy to hear that he is doing so well in school, I know that you guys are really proud of him.
    What a wonderful job your parents did on their yard by the dock, I'm sure it is going to be a lot of fun this summer. Can't wait to see the photos. =)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!