Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weekend of Zoo & the Lake

Another weekend of running around and fun! Saturday I ran out of here after work at 9am to take the kids to the zoo, they were having a shark day (but sadly by the time we got there the one thing was over and the next one didn’t start until 2p).  By 1pm Caden was tired grumpy and was yelling “I want to go home”. I took my queue cut the trip then and back to the car and home we went for naps and playtime with neighbor kids.

First we stopped in the play center, checked out all the animals there and tried out some fun toys!

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I even sprung for some french fries for the boys.  They enjoyed the PB&J sandwiches and flavored water I packed for them.  It was nice to fill up before we headed out walking.

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We hit up the touch tank and felt the star fish, sea enemies and other fun water creatures.

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Then we feed the budgies is always fun heck for $1 each you can’t beat the fun of a bird hoping onto your hand.

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Sunday we headed to my parents house to visit.  The sun all of a sudden came out so we headed to the waterfront for an impromptu lunch and then some swim time.  I of course didn’t bring suits so it was underwear to the rescue …. What they are like tiny winy bathsuits!

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This week still is not going off the way I thought it would.  I signed Cole up for summer camp thinking I could get back in the groove of gym etc but Monday had break down didn’t go, yesterday I had to take him and then stay for 45 min with the promise I would come back early.  Today looks like I’ll be dropping off and picking up again.  I may win someday soon! Hope your week is going better then mine .. teehee


  1. my goodness!
    girlfriend if you don't keep yourself busy!!!!
    hope things start leveling out for you VERY VERY SOON...!

  2. Hope the week gets better. At least it looked like a fun weekend!

  3. My kids love touch tanks! Me, not so much. :) SLIMY!! I wish we had a zoo closer to us - we have to drive about 90 minutes north or south to get to one.

  4. Lets run away together...hmmmm? I won't even make you cook. I promise!

  5. The zoo looks like a ton of fun! Especially all the hands on stuff!

    So nice to hear you had some sun and got to enjoy it at the lake! My kiddos had to come home in their undies last Saturday, because they got their clothes soaked playing in water. They thought it was funny, so it worked well :-)

  6. Sorry you missed the sharks are the zoo. The rest of the day looks like it was a lot of fun for the boys. Sunday looks like it was fun on the lake.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!