Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Well at least I made a treat!

So I had big plans to make a great meal last night, but chicken with corn just isn’t fancy and nothing worth blogging about … hehe!  BUT I did make a fun treat for the neighborhood kids.  These were real simple to make a little time and patience between each step.  I think they turned out so cute.  Adults and kids will love this fancy looking dessert of a classic!


Rice Krispies Dippers Treats

<p>These a simple to make and can be decorated anyway you like.</p>

See Rice Krispies Dippers Treats on Key Ingredient.

Well I hope to get back to normal but sadly it just isn’t happening.  This week was suppose to be great for me to get back on track but instead I have Cole having a melt down at summer camp and Rick in a funk also!  Wish me luck and a few prays this week Smile!


  1. These look so yummy and fun! I will have to remember to try these-I bet they'd be a hit in Blake's preschool class this year! :-)

    I hope things get back to normal for you soon! :-)

  2. Love this, for the school bakesale next month!!! These will be a great hit!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I would SO eat three of those within 6.5 seconds!

  4. Oh my gosh. I am going to way to many blogs with scrumptious Rice Krispie treat recipes. This is now on my must make list! YUM!

  5. oh wow!
    i am SO GONNA make those this wkend.. don't ask why, cause there is NO reason they just look that good!!!

    sending prayers and good vibes your way!!

  6. These look amazing!! Sending prayers your way that your week gets better.

  7. Praying for things to get better soon.

    Thanks for the recipe treat!

  8. I bet the kids liked 'em. They are super cute.

  9. I so want to make these.. I have seen the ones covered in chocolate.. Yummy.. Hugs and prayers all around.. Smiles..

  10. mmm! Those rice krispie treats look so good dipped in frosting! YUM : )

  11. Now those look yummy! Keeping you in my prayers.


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