Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weekend that I didn’t sit down again!

As usual it was a full packed weekend this weekend.  I of course packed it all in!  Saturday as most of you know I work Sat from 5am to 9am.  Then I had to run get me and the boys dressed and run out the door to head to Lowe’s kid clinic to make a school house photo holder.  All I have to say 1 mom vs 2 kids with hammers never seems to work in my favor … lol.

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After Lowe’s we hit Ross to pick up 2 toys for the birthday parties we had to go to and oh yeah mom needed an outfit.  One thing about working at home I don’t have much of a wardrobe now.  Plus sitting on my rear all day may … just may have made it grow a tad bit out of my previous clothes.  So I got home tried on my new top and jeans and of course had to play in the mirror for a while.  hehe who would think I get nervous going to parties and fitting in I may just may practice my look and smile before we leave … ok maybe just a little pep talk too … hehe!

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First birthday party here we come!!!  Bouncy house is where it is at.  And yeah my boys didn’t come out crying or bloody so it was a good day! Caden wasn’t having the bouncy house, to many big kids but then he decided to go in and had fun!

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2nd Birthday party gave us hotdogs, burgers and ice cream cake.  We ran around, ok the kids did I got to sit down and chit chat and even warm up by the bonfire.  Yes I said warm up, the NW has been having an odd summer.  We get sun and then all of a sudden it get breezy and cold.

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Sunday our new church did a day of community service instead of services.  I love to get out and to give a helping hand or in the service I chose was serving hot dogs at a mobile home park.  I help the Pastor’s mom do a story board of Noah’s ark, she read the book and I put up the felt characters.  Cole came with me which I thought would be fun for him but he got bored for a while the back yard didn’t have a lot of toys like I was told so that of course was a challenge with my hyper boy.  Caden stayed at the church and played on the outdoor toy.

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One of the other community services was to pass out goodies at the park and ride down the street.  I offered to make a few goodies.  I made Brownie Cherry Bites and my Rice Krispie popscicles.   First off I made Brownie Cherry Bites.  I was told by the church lady one of the gals said these were the best brownie’s she had ever tasted.  I didn’t have one but they looked very moist and my neighbor got a plate too and she agreed Smile.


Brownie Cherry Bites

<p>I made these for a church outing and they were a huge hit, plus I shared some with the neighbors :)</p>

See Brownie Cherry Bites on Key Ingredient.

Then I whipped up a batch of Rice Krispie Dipper Treats one with the sprinkles and then I experimented with dipped in milk chocolate and drizzling with white chocolate.  I then put them in a candy bag and tied them up with a pink polka-dot ribbon.  I’m so excited to hear that these were such a hit that one lady asked for my business card and would like me to make them for her niece's party.  I think I may just have to put together a little side business Smile.


Happy Wednesday!


  1. Your boys are so cute. The photos are ones to treasure when they are grown and your nest is empty. Of course then, you will have time to spend on yourself. Not as much fun as you might think says this voice of experience.
    The treats look delicious and I have copied the brownie treat recipe. Thank you!!

  2. Obviously you are feeling better.
    Wow, that was a busy weekend! You look great in that top!!!

  3. busy busy as usual!!
    but... in your pics you are so stinkin' adorable.. and i LOVE your hair!!

  4. The school house photo holder looks great.
    I remember when my boys were younger and we did crafts at Michael's, Lowe's and Home Depot.
    Makes a busy day for mom.

  5. awwww you look so pretty! sounds like you are really happy at your new church!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. That is awesome that a lady wants you to make some! :) How fun!

    Hope you have a fabulous week/weekend! :)

  7. How'd you have time to catch your breath?! Looks like it was a fun weekend. I'd have to agree with you on the side business idea. Your treats look absolutely delicious.

  8. You are a classic example of why we need longer weekends!!! :)

  9. Busy busy! Those bounce houses look so much fun! I have a friend who had one and just invited adults to come play in it!

  10. Oh you just dangle all of this in front of a lonely old woman don't you LOL I am fifty you know...

    Children make our lives just zip! right up and on to other things...enjoy it while you can girl. You will miss it when you are home alone and they are off doing their own thing. :) xoxo

  11. Such a busy weekend! I don't know how you do all those b-day parties!

    I love the idea of all the community service through the church! And your goodies do look amazing! I am definitely going to try making those rice krispie popsicles one of these days :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!