Thursday, August 18, 2011

Another bites the dust …. That’s Right Spammer!

Rick actually had an early night last night so we had a family night of dinner and chit chat and you know not try to kill the kids who were in overdrive.  I haven’t heard I’m hungry so many times in my life.  UGH growth spurts I guess but really must all the food end up on my FLOOR!

I wanted to post about my customer service that really pissed me off but that would take some time and I’m still cooling off … hehe.  So I leave you with a comment from a spammer (I copied it before deleted the comment that had links to I’m sure some kind of virus).

Got to love when a spammer is more critical then your own mother, guess I should be happy they didn’t tell me I’m fat … hehe.

Get ready …. Here it comes!

NOTE LEFT : In the great pattern of things you actually get an A+ for effort and hard work. Where you actually lost me was first in all the facts. You know, people say, details make or break the argument.. And that couldn't be much more true here. Having said that, permit me say to you precisely what did give good results. The writing is certainly incredibly convincing and this is probably the reason why I am taking the effort in order to opine. I do not really make it a regular habit of doing that. Next, although I can easily notice a jumps in reason you make, I am not certain of just how you appear to connect your points that produce the final result. For the moment I shall subscribe to your position however wish in the foreseeable future you link your dots much better.

Yes cut me down and then leave me spam links …hehe.  And for you wondering what the post it was.  It was a recipe post.

I’ll be pulling out my hair from now on posting a recipe to make sure I connect the dots on how the dish comes together! hehe

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  1. What the eff are they even talking about? I think I got one too. I'm about to go check.

    Don't you hate growing pains! Ugh. Even I get them...LOL!

  2. ummmm..
    wow.. really??!!??

    and NOT to mention they were SOOOOOOOO confusing.. like what the h*** were they EVEN trying to talk about...!!

  3. The only way this spammer could make sense to someone is if that someone is under the table piss drunk holding a bottle of liquor crying about their first love...and even then he'd say slurring his words.....

    "Wha the smell are ya talkin' about?"

    Have an awesome day!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. I am yet to get that spam email but as sure as God made little green apples I know I will eventually. For today I only got the one where this unknown person in an unknown country who was the assistant to an unknown person and even though they don't know me are wanting to share millions of dollars with me. :-) Of course I have to give them all of my account numbers to get the money.

    Your posts make me smile, and that is good!

  5. It's obviously someone who doesn't speak a lick of English!

  6. I can barely decipher that and I'm a fluent speaker of the English. :)

  7. Oh my gosh! Hate spammers. You go girl!! Thanks for sticking up for all of us ! Love the hair!

  8. Thanks for the comment! I love the look of your blog! How did you get it to look like that?

  9. Blech at spammers (and that one was…well…lol!)

  10. I've gotten one similar to this, and a few that were worse!

  11. FYI those are not real people, but spambots...they post the same damn thing over and over, it really is not a criticism of your writing because they did not acutally read your blog...they are just trying to sound more like a real comment so the spam filters don't catch them.

  12. You know it's not about you. I get several spams and thank God blogger catches them. That was not against you. They all sound like that. Trash them and never look back!

  13. Those spam messages never make sense, do they? I stopped reading them a while ago and just delete them. I didn't realize how critical they were now though.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!