Friday, August 19, 2011

Were the Customer Service Broke down ….

So most of you read about my rant here and on FB about my experience buying Groupon’s for Native Remedies.  Now I’ve bought from Groupon before and have had nothing but high praises. I’ve bought Native Remedies products previously (threw Amazon) this last time I used their site I had horrible customer service and a pain using my gift certificates.  So to make this fun or for you how like to “skim read” yes I know all of you don’t read every word I type I’m putting it in the form of sticky notes!

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So there is my long and crazy story!  I spent a good TWO hours on the phone along with time emailing etc.  I’ve disappointed in their customer service and way of doing business. The pointing the finger at the other really peeves me off and saying that I can buy from Amazon but there prices vary and etc and I need to be careful.  Which I know since I’ve been buying that way for over a year.  I’m sticking to what I’ve done in the past and continue to buy threw Amazon. I NEVER want to go threw that hassle or that RUDE customer service people ever again with their own site.


  1. so sorry you had to deal with this...
    hope you have a good wkend!!

  2. It's amazing what happens on things like that! Sorry it turned out so shitty!

  3. No Fun Poser... THey better watch out..

  4. EEK!! It wore me out just reading all of those sticky notes. :-) Unfortunately that is the way customer service is for almost every company we deal with now.

  5. I have been in situations like that over the phone and in person and it turns into a challenge for me...If I know I'm right I won't stop until I straighten it out. one time It took me ALL DAY!!! I left my college registration office with a migraine, puffy eyes from crying, swollen feet and my hair was a frizzy cotton candied mess...But I got my freakin' class!

    Good for you...don't take their crapola!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. One of my worst pet peeves is crappy customer service and I won't take it either... Don't you worry, I will tweet this and post it on my FB page, too.
    Power to the Mommy Bloggers!! =)
    Sorry you had to go through this crap, you deserve better!

  7. I noticed that you mentioned two different companies. did you have the problem with nature's remedies or native remedies?

    Sorry you had to deal with that. As someone who works for a small business who has done similar GC's as Groupon, I understand why they don't do but one GC at a time. Did it say on the groupon that you could buy multiple, but only use one at a time? That's what our businesses said. We lose more money when we accept more than one per purchase.

  8. This is seriously annoying. I will NEVER understand companies that won't allow multiple GIFT CARDS on their sites. Seriously, it's a GIFT CARD = MONEY.. Not a coupon.. I'm sorry you had this experience, but I love how you documented it and Yes, I TOTALLY agree.. NEVER EVER mess with mommy bloggers!! We rock!

  9. What a messed up experience! I would have been pretty pissed off too and argued with them. It's almost like dealing with a live person in a store with coupons and gift cards. I have had some bad experiences too. Hopefully you can prevent some one else from the same hassle you had.

  10. OH HOW MADENING!! Way to stick with it and show them who not to mess with!! You are my hero!!

  11. I cannot believe the guy laughed at you. Oh boy..we will make them pay!!

  12. How annoying! I'm so sorry you had to go through all that and pay so much more! :-(

  13. Ugh I have never used Groupon as I have heard nightmare stories. I know I introduced you to Native Remedies. I wish they would have worked with you on this, that stinks.

  14. I sympathize with you, been through it myself. I must say you displayed more patience than I would.

  15. Sounds like it was a mess and it stinks that you still had to pay so much.
    I didn't have the same thing happen to me regarding customer service but I recently purchased $60 worth of vinyl wall art for $30. It's my fault that I didn't research the company beforehand but I found out, after buying the gift certificate, that most of their products in a high price rang so, in reality, I wasn't getting a deal at all.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!