Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Weekend to be Thankful …

What a fun weekend it was like a 4 day break, but I had to work a short time on Saturday like usual but 3 hours was nothing.

As most of you know I spent most of Wednesday after working prepping and cooking and then cooking before my guest arrived for Dinner.  Sadly my dad was sick so he stayed home and my cousin and family didn’t stop by so it was very small with lot’s of food … lol.

If you’re needing some yummy weight watcher friendly holiday foods here are my two post of what I made.

First off I noticed that wow my roots are looking crazy long … then I counted and I was a few weeks overdo for a color.  I gave our cousin a call and she was so sweet and squeezed me in after hours.

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Thanksgiving was a great day, my mom and grandmother stopped over for dinner.  The boys even got to stay the night with my parents! Yeah!!


Now the stores went and moved Black Friday up to Thursday PM which wasn’t bad it was kind of nice to do it early.  So I put my teenies on and my hat (Well at first the wrong one … lol).  Rick decided to work for his security job they took on security for Walmart shoppers.  That left me shopping by myself.  I was a little nervous to go by myself.  Then by God’s hand I ran into a old friends mom, I hadn’t seen either of them in almost a year.  We said hi and then I went on.  I looped around and again and ran into both of them got to talking and I had instant shopping buddies which was really cool.  So we finished up Walmart & went on to Target.  NOW the only bad thing was Fred Meyers stuck to their 5am so after we tried two restaurants to come to the conclusion who is going to be open Thanksgiving pm, we headed to my friends house for a snack and coffee.  We killed 3 hours watching Son’s on Anarchy, my first time watching.  By 6am I was done with my Christmas shopping.  I finished the boys, the boy at church Cole picked to buy for, Rick and even for me.  Plus I had a pile of things to go back, I have the grab and return later if I don’t need theory Smile.

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By Friday I had the presents wrapped and the boys home.  Rick brought down the tree and put it all up for me and even put the presents underneath.  The rest of the weekend was kind of lazy, except Sunday for church and then the boys and I helped decorate the church.  Now to finish up the stocking stuffers and we’re done!



So how was your Thanksgiving?  Did you Black Friday shop?  Is your shopping done?


  1. You totally put me to shame on the gifts! I'm way behind this year! :-/ The pictures are adorable! Your just a fun loving gal and I love it!

  2. Gosh darn, you're organized. Wrapped and under the tree already? What the heck.

    PS> Hair looks awesome!

  3. Love your hair! :)

    I am not actually done with shopping. But have vowed to stay out of Walmart for the rest of my shopping...and to buy local. :) We shall see how it goes.

  4. A tornado just whisked me up and I twirled and twirled and twirled through this post and now I am wrapped somewhere under that beautiful tree...maybe I will lose weight waiting for someone to find me! LOL Phew!

    The hair looks marvelous dahling!

  5. Your hair looks really nice!!

    Isn't it great to get all of your shopping done early?

  6. Ok seriously I will pay for your ticket to fly out here and help me with MY shopping! You are amazing! I'm going out tomorrow to shop til I drop. UGH!
    Blessings, Joanne

  7. Where do you get your energy? No I am not done shopping but most of it will be done online this weekend! The rest are gift cards and I have half of them bought. Tree will get done when I feel up to it and the house will get decorated in due time. I am in no hurry. I will enjoy some last minute rushing wrapping the presents. Looks like you did some really good shopping.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!