Thursday, December 1, 2011

Something Sweet … Only One Please

I’m a little blah on something to write about so why not share a recipe … lol.  I made these for our Tuesday dinner friends, the kids of course ate the outside only … hehe.  Thankfully it’s a rare treat around here.
Hope you are having a great week and maybe have something sweet today!


S'mores Apples

<p>I cut my bag whole too big so the chocolate was a little thicker then I wanted but still yummy!</p>

See S'mores Apples on Key Ingredient.


  1. They are something to be sure. I'll bet they are sweet!

  2. they look good but i dont like apples.. i like applesauce but not apples.. I have a new post up..

  3. Why have I never tried to add yummies on top of the caramel? I need to. Thanks for the kick in the pants!

  4. LOL are you sure those aren't my caps on the apple when I took a bite!

    I love apples like this and remember when Rosie had those big big fuji apples on her show and everyone ordered them?

  5. I would totally eat the outside too and then smother the apples in peanut butter and eat the apples that way 'cause ya gotta eat healthy right? LOL!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. Speaking of Christmas lists, I want some of those under the tree. haha They look yummy. I swear, you need your own cooking show.


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