Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Wish List

I love my hubs but Christmas shopping has not always been a homerun for him.  NOW one year I got all new Kitchen Aide cookware, but some years lets just say he may hit Walgreen’s Christmas Eve for some items … We won’t talk about the lady grooming trimmer for my lady parts … lol.  TMI moment … Sorry dude the hint was not taken and it was never used hehe.

So I’m making a list to help, Thank you Google Images for my pictures shown below:

Oh how I would love an iPhone

So this is just a WISH it would never come true but you have to have one item on your list totally out there.  It’s nice to dream!


I’ve been seeing these cupcake pop pans everyone I need one!

Thank you Debby for the Cupcake PJ idea.

Cupcake PJs

Dessert Bar Pan looked pretty cool

Dessert Bar Pan

I so want this K-Cup holder


I would love a Silicone Baking Mat

Silicone Baking Sheet

I’m addicted to these silicone reuse coffee cups.

I so need one more, so when the other 2 are dirty I have a spare one!

Silicone Coffee Cup

I want to redo my cabinets and need a place for my spices. Instead of them falling down on me each time I’m trying to find one I need.

I sent a hint to Rick via email for this cute pink Giraffe purse.

Fuchsia Giraffe Purse

This one also was sent in a hint email. Pink Zebra Purse

Pink Zebra Purse

I would love a Miche Purse


You know I have a Dooney and Gucci but it seems I get more use out of the more affordable purses.  I’m practical what can I say … lol.

So there you have it some things on my list for Rick.  What is on your list?


  1. You have some very good hints for hubby on your wish list. My husband always told me to buy whatever I wanted, wrap it up and put it under the tree from him.

    What I wish for most for Christmas is health and happiness.

  2. Oooh, I like that spice rack! I've never seen one like this.

    My husband is known for buying the day before too. I hate it. I tell him every year that he has 364 days to do it. It's not like it's a surprise.

  3. Very practical gifts for the most part. I am aiming for a boning knife to make breaking down chickens much easier

  4. You are too funny! Men...they not only need a list but it needs to be underlined and highlighted too!
    Blessings, Joanne

    PS~ last year I got a vacuum cleaner.. >:O/

    Blessings, Joanne

  5. I love your list!!! Those are awesome items. Thanks for the mention. I haven't gotten new PJ's yet this year. I want one of those cool coffee makers this year.

  6. Do you have a Kcup holder now? I have the tree one and don't use it, I'd love to send it to you. Let me know!

  7. Hey, will you send the same list over to my hubby?! You got some pretty cool things on yours. I was actually surprised; this is the first year in 10 years that my husband bought my present before December 23rd.

  8. I want some tall boots. Although I did tell my hubby that I wanted to pick them out. :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!