Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Another Belly Filling Dinner

I love Pork Chops and Apple sauce (yes the Brady Bunch show comes to mind when I say that … if you don’t know what I’m talking about you so need to youtube it).

I started with the Crock Pot Applesauce that was so simple to make from

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Crockpot Apple Sauce (WW 1pt)

<p>Servings: 12 • Size: 1/4 cup • Old Points: 1 pts • Points+: 1 pts<br />Calories: 65.9 • Fat: 0.2 g • Protein: 0.2 g • Carb: 17.5 g • Fiber: 2.8 g • Sugar: 12<br />Sodium: 0.6 mg</p>

See Crockpot Apple Sauce (WW 1pt) on Key Ingredient.

Then I went to the recipe that lead me to the applesauce, the Pork Chops and ApplesauceThe pork was the best I’ve had in a long time.

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Pork Chops and Applesauce (WW 4pts)

<p>Servings: 4 • Size: 1 chop, 2 tbsp applesauce • Old Points: 4 pts • Points+: 4 pts<br />Calories: 180 • Fat: 8.2 g • Protein: 20.3 g • Carb: 4.8 g • Fiber: 0.3 g • Sugar: 1.5<br />Sodium: 29.3 mg</p>

See Pork Chops and Applesauce (WW 4pts) on Key Ingredient.

I’ve been hearing about using cauliflower for a mash potato substitute.  So I went to Spark Recipes for Mashed Cauliflower with Beans.  I think I was the only one who enjoyed this one.

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Mashed Cauliflower with Beans (WW 8pts)

<p>Servings Per Recipe: 3<br />Amount Per Serving<br />Calories: 323.8<br />Total Fat: 5.5 g<br />Cholesterol: 0.0 mg<br />Sodium: 43.4 mg<br />Total Carbs: 53.7 g<br />Dietary Fiber: 15.0 g<br />Protein: 18.3 g</p>

See Mashed Cauliflower with Beans (WW 8pts) on Key Ingredient.

Happy Wednesday everyone, I’m still all out of whack with the holidays etc and can’t believe it’s Wednesday but happy for a good week to come!

So what is on your menu for tonight?


  1. We had pork chops for dinner last night, too. I'm back to using Relish for meal planning.

    Tonight is my late night so we're having leftovers from the last 2 nights. Thai chicken tomorrow night.

  2. Yep pork chops and applesauce is a must! Love making homemade applesauce. Nobody in our family likes cauliflower but I'd be willing to give the mash a try with the included beans. Have a great day mama!

  3. Those pork chops look amazing! I have some pork steaks in my freezer to use up that I may have to try this recipe with :-)

  4. Try mixing half mashed turnips in with your mashed potatoes to lighten them up. No one should notice and it will lessen the calories.

  5. Honestly, how can you work, keep house, raise two boys, go to a million places each week and still find time to cook? You must have a double your not telling us about.
    These sound delicious. I need to hire a cook!

  6. Everything looks good today except the cauliflower.

    Supper for me will be a dish of oatmeal as I ate too much for lunch.

  7. I think I have planned to make crock pot applesauce for at least 2 years and have never done it. It's on my 2012 bucket list! :)

  8. these pork chops look delish! And i love mashed cauli! urs look tasty :)


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