Thursday, January 5, 2012

Feeding the Troops

For Christmas I used my bonus to buy Rick a new garage door with an opener.  Tonight he had some buddies come over to help him install and my Tuesday night dinner friend came over tonight instead of last night so I switched my meal plan up at the last minute.  I was pretty darn excited with what I came up with.

First off I saw this on my new obsession Pinterest and found a recipe for Cheesy Artichoke Bread.

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Cheesy Artichoke Bread

Bread, French Bread, Cheesy Bread

See Cheesy Artichoke Bread on Key Ingredient.

Then I saw this Scooters Spaghetti that looked easy to do and how can I go wrong with friend onions on top?

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Scooter’s Spaghetti

Dinner, Spaghetti, Beef, Casserole

See Scooter’s Spaghetti on Key Ingredient.

And I had a bag of cranberries that I had to use up so my friend Google lead me to Apple-Cranberry crisp.

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Apple-Cranberry Crisp

Dessert, Crisp, Apple, Cranberry

See Apple-Cranberry Crisp on Key Ingredient.

In a way I can’t wait for next week then I might be back on track.  For now some more recipes Smile.  Hope you might enjoy one of them!

Anything special on your menu tonight?


  1. That spaghetti looks yummy! Of course, my kids and dad wouldn't eat it but I would! (Did I tell you I'm cooking dinner for the WHOLE family most nights?)

    Don't you love Pinterest? I've found some really good recipes on there.

  2. I haven't tried artichokes in years, so not even sure I like them. I didn't the last time I tried them. The bread looks great although the desserts looks delicious!!!

  3. Everything sounds delicious but OMG I want some of that bread!!!

  4. Pasta and I are best buddies! I am also pals with chocolate and fries. Right now Jenny craig isn't speaking to me.
    Blessings, Joanne

  5. All three sound just delicious, and that was so sweet of you to do that for Rick!

  6. I've gotta remember to not come by here when I'm HUNGRY!!

    Isn't Pinterest fun??? I'm following you on there now. :)

  7. dont u just love pinterest! ive been on there for a long while now... lol it was my friend everytime i was put on bed rest threw my 3 pregnancies... the cheesy artichoke bread looks divine!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!