Thursday, January 10, 2013

Crunchy Snack ... Baked Parmesan Kale Chips (WW 1pt)

On my hunt for recipes that help me with my daily veggie intake I have been seeing this kale recipe for a long time.  The true fact is I have bought kale 3 times before and then in the fridge it went and I never did anything with it.  YUP I think I was afraid of the kale, but who knew this recipe would be so easy.  Ok well maybe reading the recipe would tell me that but I couldn't get myself to do the recipe that was until last night.  

This was a easy recipe I mean like throwing something in a crock pot easy.  The chips were crunch (now some say like potato chips, I'm not sure I'd say that but pretty tasty!  I found this recipe for Baked Parmesan Kale Chips on one of my favorite weight watcher recipe sites Skinny Taste.

Now give some green chips a try I promise you may just be hooked like me!  So what do you think?


  1. Yum. I love kale chips, but I usually make mine with garlic powder. I'll have to give the cheese a try ;)

  2. I make these only I don't use any cheese!! Yum!

  3. They scare me a little, but I'm gonna have to try them!

  4. Kale turns to ugly green slime if you ignore it. Better to use it, eh?

  5. I know it's super good for you, but I just can't do it.

  6. I tried these once, but I think I messed the recipe up. It was different from yours and turned out awful. I will have to try this recipe, I love the added cheese!
    I saw you over at Diana Rambles.
    Debbie :)

  7. I would have never thought of making something like this, but I make zucchini chips in the summer, so it has to be similar! :-)

  8. My cousin is a commercial farmer, so he gave my family some kale to try for the first time. I found a salad recipe that was just okay, but I'm pinning this for the next time he gives us a batch. This sounds much better!

  9. sounds like this might make kale good. Can you tell I am not a kale fan? I am pinning this to try later.

  10. You know, I have still never made Kale chips. I think it's about time with my new healthy living!

  11. While it sounds strange, I am looking for low-carb snack ideas. Will pin this one to try!

  12. I have seen so many recipes and haven't tried it yet. Glad you liked it. I guess it's time for me to give it a try.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!