Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mad Hatter Tea Party ... Part 2 the Clock for the Rabbit

And if you really want to get creative, mom my made the boys these really cool clocks on lunch pail that the boys can use to carry lego's around after this party.

We hit up Ben Franklin, but you could find these at most craft stores.

Cool looking Pail / Box - We found these white lunch boxes
Clock Arms
Clock Numbers
Charm - We used a key with hearts
Hot Glue Gun

Mom took the arms and hot glued them on.  She then hot glued a charm in the center of the arms (we started to use a button but then found the charms) ours was a key with hearts  (like the Queen of Hearts).  Then the numbers she found (in the clock section) were sticky on back so she placed them in kind of a fun weird way to finish up the look to them (reminds me of that painting where the clock looks like it's melting and the numbers and in odd places).  And tada done!  Cost less then $10 and they can use the pails to hail their toys around.  My mom rocks and coming up with this idea, so much better then the paper clocks I found at the dollar tree I was going to use.

Hope you enjoy our Mad Hatter Tea Party Looks.  Here is what we looked like when all was said in done.  I picked up some glasses from the dollar store and added a little pink lipstick on their noses and of course the bow ties found in the clown section.

Up next is the goodies we brought in the theme for the party!


  1. These are awesome, well done you, so creative

  2. So cool - and I love that it's something they are going to get to use again for the Legos.

  3. You sure went all out for this theme party.... you are one of the COOL MoMs!! And..... your MOM is cool too!!

  4. I can't believe your creativity. That is the COOLEST thing!

  5. The boys look like they had an awesome party! Very creative. I love this idea. I could actually use these right about now to help with all of our legos! lol

  6. They must have been the best dressed at that party. Love the clock!

  7. Oh my gosh, this turned out awesome. How fun!

  8. Wow! What a cool idea for a party....and you did a great job getting them ready for it!!

  9. Such a cute and fun idea! I love the hats you paired this with! :-)

  10. The kids look great all dressed up. That clock idea is super, super cool. Your mom sure had a wonderful idea for that.

  11. Your kids are going to have great memories of growing up. You are the best! :)

  12. WOW!!! I'm so impressed!! I bet they were the best dressed ones there with your awesome hats and these clock bags too! ... Such fun memories! Thanks for sharing, Alexis!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!