Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mad Hatter Tea Party ... Part 3 Edible Tea Cups

Well I've shown you the Hat's made and the clock along with the final look.  Now on to the food that was made.  I started with these Edible Tea Cups I found on Kitchen Round Table.  I made a few adjustments and tada they came out pretty darn cute if I must say so myself.

1 Cup-style wafer ice cream cone
1 Round sugar or shortbread cookie
Decorating icing (frosting)
1/2 Gummy Ring Candy (you can do 2 if you want see picture below the difference)
Assorted Candies

Take a serrate knife to cut off the bottom of the ice cream cone.  I left some of the bottom of the cone to make the cups deeper (they cut off the the top lip).  You can add a candy ring between the cookie and the ice cream cone.  I didn't like the look so I took some frosting and used it like glue to glue the cone to the cookie.  I then cut a gummy ring candy in half and added a little frosting as glue to make the handle.  I added some candy and done!  You may want to wait in between to let frosting dry to become hard almost like a real glue!

Stay tuned we have one more Mad Hatter Party goodie I made for the party.


  1. What a cool idea! I love party time at your house!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. Well aren't you just the clever one!! Very cute!

  3. I would have eaten all the ice cream cone bottoms. I love them!

    Very cute

  4. Those are really cute. Now this wasn't your party....right? Why all the hard work?

  5. Ahhh thank you ladies, I really enjoyed this theme. Also glad it wasn't my party so I didn't have to do all the decorations etc just bring something.

    Debby - You right not our party. We were invited to a Tea Party / Sleep over. You had to come dressed up, so I made the hat's and stuff. We also were suppose to bring a dish but like usual I couldn't decide on one so I had to make two ... lol. I brought two kids seems fair right ... lol.

  6. How creative!! Those are definitely a cute idea for a tea party! :-)

  7. I love this idea! I'm going to have to come back to it so I can make some this summer.

  8. These are so adorable! I love all the great things you did for this fun party!!! Thanks so much for linking up to the FESTIVE FRIDAY FIESTA Link Party! Hope you have a great Easter Week!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!