Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mad Hatter Tea Party ... Part 4 Caterpillars

We end our Mad Hatter Tea Party with the caterpillars I made.  I found these really cute Caterpillar Grape Kabobs on Six in the Suburbs.  Her's came out so much cuter, note to self next time need to search for a small pipping tip and not just use a knife to dab on ... lol.  Oh well the kids didn't care and I still think they are kind of cute.

What you Need:
Long wooden skewers
Mini Chocolate chips
Vanilla Frosting 

I first washed the grapes then dried them off.  Then Cole & I took grapes and stabbed them onto the skewers.  I found it was easiest to poke where the stem was that way you had a long caterpillar and it was already a hole.  NOW next time I will use a small pipping tip to add the frosting to the back of the mini chocolate chips.  Then place them on where eyes would go.  The blunt end of the skewer almost looks like a mouth.  EASY, Cole and I did this with in minutes.

Well I hope you enjoyed our trip down the Rabbit Hole to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.  I think this was the coolest party we've been to and the boys even got to spend the night.  VERY cool kids night out idea.


  1. What a clever idea.

    I have to admit, I hate Alice in Wonderland almost as much as I hate the Wizard of Oz (GASP), but this stuff that you came up with is so cute.

  2. That is so cute!! I am looking for ideas just like this for my GRANDSON!!! He is going to love it.

  3. They are very cute. I'm sure they were a bit hit

    I suppose the Cheshire cat had disappeared already ;)

  4. Those came out really cute and a great healthy treat for the kids!

  5. Wow!! Pretty sure you get "mom of the year" award.... :)

  6. I've pinned these a while back, but haven't made them. SO CUTE! You did a terrific job, Alexis!! Very fun and yummy too! LOVE everything you did for the Mad Hatter Tea Party! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us!! :*)

  7. Those are really cute. Your boys must have gotten the biggest kick out of those! (Lining up ALL those CLEAN grapes and skewering them just right is no small task!)

  8. Those are cute and I've never seen them before.

  9. Very cute! The frosting even works as the whites of the eyes ;-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!