Sunday, May 5, 2013

Star War's Party has been blasted off into space ...

We came, we saw, we concurred and took down Jabba!  The party was a hit, well at least I hope so!  I'm exhausted and need to go through all the pictures to show the last few items that were made for the party.  So I thought I'd give you a recap of our party!

For you who follow me on FB know that on Monday I found out through a friend (NOT the pool) that the pool was closed.  2 days of calling and finally got a human.  I was told the had a problem with the roof and it SHOULD be fixed on Thursday but no guarantee's.  MIND you I rented this room about a month and a half ago the pool I did during open swim and would just pay for each person!  So I called the pool on the other side of town (Both Part of Metro Parks).  They had availability and if I needed to switch I would have to pay the difference for the room there.  Thursday I call to see how the roof is doing to find out it was a PUMP. They installed it and the temp is not up but should be by Thursday.  Oh and by the way Saturday is our FREE swim day.  So I say well since I don't have to pay for the kids I'll just book the room another hour to give me set up time.

Saturday get the pool to find a LINE out the door ... oh yes everyone and their mother is there to swim for FREE.   CRAP (well worse words came to mind but you get the jest).  People where being turned away ... I think some of our guest may have been turned away. 

I get in the room don't even get a moment to say hi to people because I'm decorating (thankfully I was able to get in there a 1/2 hour early).  PLUS I still needed to tie bows on the cupcake (in a cup w/ the bag) and finish up a few other details.  THANK God for my Best Friend Amy and my mom busting this out for me!  20 minutes before the pool open swim is to end a manager comes in to greet me.  Odd never done this in the 4 years we've done this.  WELL she then tells me someone else rented the room!!  The lady is in the front screaming that I NEED to get out!!!

Come to find out they double booked the room BUT the lady just reserved it that Wednesday!  I repeated over and over that I had done this in advance and I WAS not leaving the room.  I had to give up some chairs and tables! I was so upset the manager made me come out there to confront this woman.  They should have saw who rented first and be done with it.  INSTEAD they put her in the hallway and when my guest had to walk by her guest (which they barely left a walk way) they made comments and nasty looks.  OH yes it was fun NOT.  I'm supposedly getting a refund, we'll see on that!

So our party was a little cramped, a ton of people didn't show up which was really a bummer but over all the food and cupcakes got high marks and everyone had smiles so it was worth it!

And some pictures!
Some shots of the food and the labels!

Kids and Food

Present time!!

And some special food made by my friend April
Yoda Apple
Yodalicious Apple...

1 Large Green Apple
1 Mini Marshmallow
Black Edible Pen
Peanut Butter
1 Tooth Pick

Take the apple and cut off the back bottom side to get it to tilt back just a bit.  Save these scraps to cut out the ears, eye lids, and mouth. Shape ears using a knife. Break a tooth pick in half and attached them in the apple with that.   Cut out the other face details with a knife or kitchen scissors and attach them on with peanut butter.  My friend used edible pen to make the black of eyes but you could use mini chocolate chips.

We found this idea for Yodalicious Apple on Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons.
A BIG thanks to my friend April for doing this!  Sorry no step by pictures I had to leave her house at 11pm after the cupcake decorating so I could get up at 5am the next morning (Saturday) for work and then get ready for the party. 

Death Star Watermelon
My Amazing friend April who did the Shark watermelon last year, did a Death Star Watermelon this year for Cole.  We couldn't find instructions so she just ran with the picture we found on Makezine's Website.  She used a sharp knife and a few tools for cake decorating to make the carvings and the opening.  I think it turned out GREAT.  it was a huge hit with the kids.

And the food Table!

So it was busy and a bit of craziness but Cole kept telling me thank you!

I promise food details to come tomorrow!

Thanks for stopping by, if you're looking for more Star War's Themed items here is what I've done so far:

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. OMG, what a disaster. I would have been having a complete meltdown -but at least the kids had a good time and all the pictures are AWESOME (of course)!

  2. You did such a great job on all the food and decorations that you could have had that party in a cave and it would have been a success... but I would have been very upset also that they double booked and took some of your chairs etc.... I hope you do get your refund... if not, squawk even louder ... it is their fault, not yours.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about all that you had to deal with!! :( ... You did a FANTASTIC job on everything though, and I'm sure the Birthday Boy had a blast!! Love the theming on everything!! ;)

  4. That place owes you your money back and a serious apology.

    I'm glad the kids had fun

  5. I can't believe the hassle you had with the pool and room. They had to know you had booked first and no reason that woman had to be rude!

  6. Oh my goodness, what a nightmare! After all your planning and prep I know you were pissed that the pool screwed up. Everything still looks amazing and it looks like the kids had a blast. I'm sure your son will remember it for years to come, and probably won't remember anything about the rude lady or the mishap!

  7. I love how creative all the food is! And it looks like everyone had a blast! So sorry for all the trouble you had though :-( You definitely deserve a refund! :-)

  8. That Yoda apple is super cute. I would've flipped a lid if I had to be in that situation like you did.

  9. Such a clever mommy! Love the Yoda apple. Thanks for linking this up to Give Me The Goods Monday!
    Jamie @

  10. I am so glad you stood your ground about not leaving the room! That inner "mama grizzly bear" in defense of her baby came into play here and I am so proud of you!
    You had so many cute food ideas! Cole will never forget this party!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!