Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Card Holder DIY Project

Now for a fun DIY project, I've made a Christmas Holly Wreath Card Holder before that was fun. Well it's no where to be found so off to make a new one. And of course I can't make the same one I made last year so on the Google search I went and found this one. I took a twist and made one.
What you need:
Tomato Plant Cage (Either in Red or Green) - Found at Lowe's $7.99
Christmas Plate - Found at Dollar Tree $1
Christmas Lights White - Found at Dollar Tree $1
Clips (binder clips) - Found at Dollar Tree Festive Clothing Pins $1 each package 4 used
Santa Hat - Found at Dollar Tree $1
Hot Glue Gun

I had my husband cut off the bottom of the plant cage I only needed 3 rings and it had 4 and was too tall. He also cut the top for me so it wasn't so far from the Santa hat to the cards. On the pointy ends, I pulled them together and topped with the Santa hat, this also makes all sharp edges covered up. I strung the lights through the rings, the lights I found at the Dollar tree was only 5 feet which sounded like a lot until I tried to put on. Next time I would buy two or a larger string of lights. The festive clothing pins I found where attached to twine so I took them off the twine and my youngest then attached to the top two rings. I found small clothing pins that had Christmas Tree's and Snow flakes so we alternated between the two on each row. The bottom ring I took my hot glue gun and put a ring of glue and then quickly since the glue was drying quick I attached the plate. I found if I didn't have my husband take that bottom ring off the plate would have been too small. The third ring was just right, I then took the glue gun and used it almost like a seal and went around the ring to make sure all together. And you're done, took me only about 20 min to make at the most and easy to attach the cards that have come in so far.

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1 comment:

Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!