Tuesday, May 11, 2010

WWW ~ Mother's Day & Birthday Parties

I hope all you mothers and Mr. Moms (all you single dads) had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day. Well let's just say this year wasn't one of my best but hey I was with the kids and Rick picked up some hours for his part time job so I can't complain to much. Now the lack of a Mother's Day Card or wishing me a Mother's Day yes can be a thorn in my paw :).
This week Cole's school had a Mother's Day Tea. It was so fun the kids made cookies, then they really cute tea pot with a pocket full of my favorite teas along with that they had a great performance! Yes it made me tear up just a bit!
Part of the kids Performance
Prayer to end our Mother's Day Tea
Saturday was party central for us. I worked until around 9:30am and then off and running getting everyone ready. Of course I forgot directions in a panic to figure out where I was going. Finally go there and my girlfriend asked me to help. I am always the party planner at many different events, love it! So I gather up the kids, got them eating, opening presents, eating cake and then we had to leave. She had some games planned but I'm so not a game girl for little kids parties it never works out like you want.

Yes that is Caden in the corner he was cut off from the cheetos, so he went to one little boys plate and stole his. Oh man talk about a little tattle tail ... lol that little boy had a melt down over it. Ugh off to party #2!
2nd party was for a boy at school he's a rodeo rider so his party was at the Jr. Rodeo. The mom didn't send out invites just had a huge card set up in the classroom, so I had no clue where I was going. Thankfully I had her # from her calling me for Cole's and she told me it was easy to find, you can't miss it. Guess who missed it! I drove up and down and was about to give up before stopping at a gas station who so nicely pointed across the street ...UGH!

Let's just say sitting and watching was not something Caden wanted to do. He wanted to play with everyone else's little pez trucks. They kept telling Caden that's not yours! UGH he's just playing I promise we won't take it home. It was so hot so after an hour we were ready to go. Cole though got to stay and hang out and then go to their house and play it was a nice retreat for me!
Now there is me, not my best idea to go with my black half sleeve sliming shirt. Then I had my new white purse and new shoes mom bought me for Mother's Day. Let's say me with White Purse and new shoes at the rodeo wasn't a winning combo and I have a Sunburn and a blister to prove it!
Then it's crash time after all that!!
Yup that is Cole's Leg and hand ... lol

Happy Mother's Day to me!
Rick worked so I made myself myself my favorites on a Pizza!!
Pesto Artichoke Pizza


  • 1 Boboli Thin Crust Pizza Dough (or you can make your own, but this saves time)
  • 1/4 Cup Prepared Pesto
  • I Large Tomato - Sliced
  • 1 Cup Marinated Artichoke Hearts - Chopped
  • Handful of Black Olives - Sliced
  • 1/4 Cup Red Onion -Chopped
  • Enough Feta Cheese to cover the top


  1. Spread Pesto over the Boboli Crust. Layer sliced tomatoes, red onion, chopped artichoke hearts, and black olive over the pizza. Top with feta cheese.
  2. Bake at 450 for 15 minutes or until desired crispness.
ALEXIS NOTES: I picked up a regular Boboli because that is what they had, I also add pineapple because I love it! The Feta I used was a sundried Tomato and Garlic, so freaking yummy! Thank you Brita who send me Mezzetta: Italian Homemade Style Basil Pesto and Mezzetta: Artichoke Hearts. These gave this dish and amazing punch it needed. Thank you again Brita for my yummy Mezzetta items, you made my Mother's Day!


  1. Um, WOW. That is a VERY busy weekend!!

    The recipe sounds yummy too!

  2. First of all let me say Happy Mother's Day to one of the hardest working mom's I know!
    Maybe you should quit your 'real' job and go into business as a party planner - then you could get paid to do all that fun stuff!
    I am so trying that pizza recipie! It looks sooo good! For my family that would also be one of those Brian is not home and the kids are in bed sorta meals.

  3. Happy Mother's Day!...even if I am a little late saying it! You're a GREAT mom!

    I can't believe how warm it was there! It was cold and rainy here on Saturday. That rodeo party looks like it would have been fun!

    The pizza looks amazing! YUM!

  4. Ow, your blister looks so painful as does your burn!!!

    Lol about the cheetos.

    Hey, I love that teapot!

  5. Okay, I'm tired just reading about all that partying! The pizza looks delicious!

  6. i love that caden then went to someone elses plate and got his cheetos... love it!!!

    and oh your poor little feet!

  7. Glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day pizza.

    That was a lot of running around, Whew!

  8. OOO that pizza looks delish! You looked gorgeous in ur top! LOVED the bag and shoes darl! Sorry about the blisters and sunburn tho!
    Sorry i have been MIA lots goin on our end! Exciting news i will be posting in the next few days as well! Hope u have been well! Cant wait to catch up on all ur posts!

  9. coming here is like entering into a fine cuisine resatraunt, but better xx

  10. sounds like a busy moms weekend. we are having a b-day party in June.. but more adults than kids it looks like.. since we homeschool its hard.. i have lost the e-mail to the group we were with..

  11. OOOOUUUUCH! Poor girl, that sunburn looks like it hurts!

  12. You pizza looks awesome. I agree that you were not properly dressed for the rodeo! Wow, what a busy weekend you had, so typical of you!
    How do you do it all, really I want to know when you find time to do all that you do?

  13. Oh man. That Rick...
    Cute tea party! That sounds like fun!
    I hate when I get 'lost' and then find out it was right there! LOL!
    At least the pizza was good and you had a pooped kid that looks like he went to sleep no prob! =)

  14. ohhhhh .. that pizza sounds great!! I just do the traditional sliced olive oil and garlic, sliced tomatoes, whatever vegs i can find .. feta ... cheese on whole wheat pizza dough (from the store) ... i'm going to make yours though! yum!

  15. What a busy weekend. I loved the cheetos story. I think my little one would do the same thing.

    OUch on the sun burn and rodeo dressing..

    Loved the pictures in the bathroom again..

    Pizza sounds amazing..

    I think you look amazing..

  16. Looks like you were quite busy! That is quite a burn you got. The rodeo party looks mighty fun.

  17. It looks like you had a nice time except for that nasty sunburn. OUCH! Didn't you read my review on sunscreen? LOL Your Mother's Day pizza looks yummy!!

  18. I just love reading your posts! You remind me of my sister-in-law. A super mom - always on the go! Happy Mother's Day!

  19. Girlie as always you're the busiest mommy I know :) Hope you had wonderful Mother's Day (yes I know I'm late LOL)yummy pizza BTW :)and love the pictures as always!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!