Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fluffy Girls Guide to Disney–Day Two

Day two, phew we made it safely there and even got a night of sleep under our belt.  We got the boys up at 8am, got them feed and down to the FREE breakfast .. yes  do you not know me by now … lol.  After breakfast we then took a ride to Target for me to get a new top, Rick was making fun of my non matching shirt with my pink running shoes.  While there I also picked up a sweatshirt for the night time.

We got to Disneyland as the gates were opened at 10am.  We walked and did EVERY ride, the wait times were great 10 to 20 minutes that’s all.  Rick and Cole even did some rides 2 times.  Poor Caden was pooped by 2pm, so I let him nap while I sat with him on a bench.  Rick and Cole did Splash Mountain a 2nd time only to find the wait time to be 1 1/2 hours long!  Come to find out Kourtney Kardashian was there with around 30 PEOPLE.  They of course got to cut the line and let their party ride etc.  Rick was able to see her, but still a pain in the arse he had to wait because of her !

Here are a few great pictures of our time there!

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We hit the train to take us over to It’s a Small World!

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The Rick and Cole went on one ride while Caden and I hit the Nemo Ride.

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I let Cole drive me, oh yes nerve wracking … LOL!

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We had some lunch, yes the salad is mine Smile.

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While the boys did splash mountain Caden and I stopped for Ice Cream and he took an 1 1/2 hour nap.

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Then we went to Toontown, Caden was in heaven!!

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Caden LOVED this place!

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Seeing the dino’s was the best part for Cole.

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We even got a chance to see the parade!

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We ended up leaving the park around 7:30pm, yes 9 1/2 hours and my feet were about to fall off.  I had a blister the size a Texas and I thought I may die!  We went back to iHop … lol hey KIDS eat Free!  Rick was very sweet and picked up the car so I didn’t have to hobble back to the hotel.  We got back and settled in for the night.  I tried to upload some pictures etc but the stupid internet kept going in and out!  I finally gave up and went to bed.  We had problems with the internet the whole time we were there.  I can’t believe they charge people for it when it doesn’t work properly.  But hey it was a good day!


  1. What an awesome day - my kids love all your pics. They want to go there too. :-)

  2. I loved your photos. You all look so happy and having so much fun!

  3. I love this post, it is so great to read about your the trainers by the way :) x

  4. I can't believe how much you were able to fit into 1 day! SO much fun!! :-)

  5. I love that term "Fluffy Girl" I have to start using it! Looks like you had a great first day. The last time we went to Disney world The next morning I could hardly walk. and my achin' back!!!! I ended up going down to the shopett and buying four pair of dr scholls insoles for all of us and more sore feet or back. I'm loving all your pictures! The boys look like they were having the time of their lives!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. Sounds like a fun trip! I love It's A Small World...great ride to rest your feet too! ;0)

  7. Oh my goodness...Looks like so much fun. Thanks for sharing all the photos.

  8. aww sounds like u guys really had a blast! Im so glad u guys got to make such memories with this trip :)

  9. It looks like such a great time! These are the memories your boys will remember forever!

  10. It makes me happy to see and your family having such a great time!

  11. What a fun filled day you all had.
    Disneyland is so much fun even with my 30 year olds!!! Love all the pictures. I love ToonTown too!
    So sorry I missed you but thrilled that you were here in California.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!