Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fluffy Girls Guide to Disney Trip Day 1 …

Wednesday started with me getting up early to get work done and my calls done before the limo came to pick us up.  Cole did a half day of school, which was good and bad … lol.  Cole’s teacher didn’t like that Cole was a little all over the place last week and the week of the trip.  With the Disney trip and my grandmother our house was upside down there for a while.  Yes a teacher conference is in my near future … grand!

Now onto the trip, Rick scheduled the Limo my bosses got for us to come early to beat traffic.  The boys were so excited about the limo.  It looked older on the outside but the inside was very nice and the driver was a nice man.  My bosses bought me an iPad for Christmas and it was a lifesaver for this trip.

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We hit the airport running, we had plenty of time to kill which with kids is not always easy.  Rick was very good about walking them up and down and riding on the moving walk ways.  I was able to sit and read a book which was so nice for me!

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We flew on Jet Blue which is a great plane they had TV’s in all the seats which was great for kids and mom’s too!  THE only problem is if you’re a fluffy girl your butt may not fit perfectly in the seat!  My rear didn’t fit like it did last time (could be my rear is not the size it was the last I flew either).  Now I fit but let’s just say thankfully a super skinny lady was next to me because instead of muffin top I had side muffin which believe me isn’t anymore attractive then the other.  I really should have do the diet thing way before this trip even though I was down 6+ pounds it wasn’t what I needed.  So fluffy girls be ware of booty overflow!


My bosses were so nice and also rented us a car for the vacation.  We upgraded to a convertible for the boys who have been bugging me forever to ride in one.  I thought Cole was going to die when we walked up to it.  All he kept saying is “It’s a Sweet Ride”!  Another booty overflow for mom in the seat but it was worth it for the boys smiles!


Before we hit the hotel we needed to eat. Right next to the hotel was iHop with a sign that says Kids Eat Free … oh yes you know me and we went right there!  We had a great trip there and then we hit the hotel.

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We stayed at the Quality Inn within walking distance to Disney.  The hotel on the website showed bunk beds.  When we got to the room it was 2 beds no big deal, so I called down to the front desk to find they don’t have bunk beds at the hotel … lol.  We got settled in for the night to get up early to hit Disney.

On an update for Today: Everyone asked us to bring back the sun, This I’m sure was NOT what they hoped for.  YUP this is what we got today.



  1. Glad you enjoyed the start of your trip

  2. You have a great looking family! I am so glad you had a good time. It is warm and sunny here today at 64 degrees right now to climb to the 70s by late afternoon.

  3. Can't wait for the next update, glad you had a great time :) x

  4. oh no snow! It's been creepy warm this winter here in TN.

  5. Bet the boys were so excited about Disneyland they barely noticed the lack of bunk beds!!

  6. So glad you guys had a good time. We need to have a coffee day soon. :)

  7. What a nice start to your trip!! The ending with the snow...not so nice! We're actually getting very nice Spring weather here-not very typical for MI, but no complaints! ;-)

  8. Wow, what an exciting trip. Sounds like the boys have some awesome memories.

  9. Girl you had me at limo! What a treat! Hope to hear more about your Disney trip...I'm a disney addict!
    Blessings, Joanne

  10. Booty overflow! You crack me up. Congrats on your -6 pounds!! I'm still just so excited your family was able to do this. I hope Rick's first week on the new job is going well :)

  11. I love limo's...I bet the boys were in heaven! :)

    Off to read part 2!

  12. The limo and the convertable, way to go!!! Jet Blue is so much fun.
    Sounds like a great day.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!