Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Time .. Too Hot for Coffee - Try it in Lotion or a Scrub

Oh Coffee how I miss thee .. I'm on Week 3 of my new diet and no coffee, yes I think I may die (just joking).  My amazing women's group leader at church had a birthday last week.  She is a Starbucks junky.  I wanted to do something fun for her birthday.  I have already made her the Coffee Lover's Gift (see picture at bottom of post with link) as a thank you gift for all she does for our group.  I then came across a really cool idea to make a Coffee Scrub and a Coffee Lotion on The Cheapskate Mom's Website. 

Super easy to make and I think it turned out GREAT and as you may know by now I'm all about the unique gift that you had to put thought into and swear this had all those check marks!

First I made the Coffee Scrub

What you need:
A Cup & Lid (I went to Starbucks and asked for gave to me for free)
1 1/2 Cups of Coffee Grinds
1/2 Cup Salt
3 tbs body Oil (I used Baby Oil / Mine was more like 6 Tbs)

Pour coffee in cup, add salt and body oil.  I found it was easier to put in a large mixing bowl then add back to the cup.  I didn't want anything to come out the straw hole on the lid so I took a little hot glue to the top and bottom of the hole. 

Next I made the Coffee Lotion

What you Need:
Cup with Lid (Again Starbucks gave to me for free)
Lotion (I bought plain but couldn't find so used a scented one)
6 Tbs Strong Coffee (I used a little too much and it was be watery)
Pump (I went to dollar Tree bought a soap and then used the pump only)

Brew a strong cup of coffee, let it cool.  I found it easier to put the lotion and coffee in a mixing bowl to mix then to add to the Starbucks cup.  Make sure it is mixed well.  Insert the pump into the hole in the lid.  I took my hot glue gun to glue the pump down to the lid.

This was a very simple gift to make but perfect for that coffee lover in your life.

Check out the Coffee Lover's Gift Also


Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea! I want to make them for myself! You know me, got to have my coffee! :) I gave it up the first 2 months but now have it back and I am a happier person because of it...lol!

    1. hehe I almost wanted to keep for myself too!

      Oh girl this is hard starting week 3 of no coffee I may die!!!

  2. What an AWESOME idea. Here in MA, most of us drink iced coffee year round, but every now and then I'll get a hot coffee.

    1. OH yes you ppl and your dunkin donuts ... lol. I'm crazy and usually drink hot coffee no matter what time of year.

  3. This is so adorable. Hadn't even seen this post yet, found it on my Pinterest page today!!!

  4. My Hubs would even like the coffee scrub. He made me order a coffee candle just last week to try.

  5. You are so creative. Perfect gifts for coffee lovers!

  6. Are you kidding me!?! This is AMAZING!!! Pinning for you from Diana rambles (and for myself!) And color me crazy but isn't coffee supposed to have healing properties? I swear I've read that somewhere it's supposed to help with stretch marks. Regardless this looks PERFECT. :) Love love love.

  7. What an amazing idea! I am definitely trying this one out. I'm a new follower by way of the Pin Me Linky Party. Have a great weekend!

  8. This is awesome! I pinned it. Very nice! Aren't you happy with your wider blog and the ability to reply to individual comments? I do!

  9. Very clever. I'm sure she was thrilled with it.

  10. You could try finding a lotion with a pump so when you empty the lotion into the cup you can use the pump from the lotion!

  11. This is adorable! What a cute idea! I'm sadly getting very into coffee these days and I wish I wasn't!


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