Monday, April 21, 2014

Minecraft Party ... Minecraft Perler Bead Characters

Yesterday I posted about the Minecraft Party I was doing for Cole's 10th Birthday.  Block invitations for the party have been made.  Today I will show you the fun Characters the boys and I made for the goody bags.  I saw several ideas on Pinterest but they all linked to Etsy websites selling them.  My bright idea was I can make these, Kitchen Magpie showed on her blog that they were easy to make so I can do it.  

WELL let me tell you this is time consuming, and those little beads don't always like to stay on the peg board. ALSO when ironing don't zoom across the board you will knock the beads off and have to start all over!  It was aggravating at times, but then my OCD kicked in and I couldn't stop making them.  I'm planning for 24 kids to be on the safe side and wanted 2 of these per bag so we needed 48 total made.

Here are two of the main characters:

What you Need:
Perler Beads (Found at Hobby Lobby)
Perler Bead Square Board (Found at Michael's)
Perler Bead Iron Paper (came with Board)
Hot Iron

I googled Minecraft perler bead templates and printed them out.  I bought the big bucket of beads thinking it would be easy to sort.  WRONG, next time I do this I will buy the one color per bag version of Amazon. We each took a character and started to work.  Little fingers are helpful when doing this project.  BE-CAREFUL when you put the iron on the paper, if you leave for too long it will become mush and gooey.

Here's a few of my favorites we made:

How to make:

Make your design on the board, we did 10x10 squares (10 beads high by 10 beads wide). Cover with the ironing paper, with a hot iron press down.  I let mine sit on top for 30 seconds then with the iron tip went around the edges.  When you are sure it's all connected flip it over, take the plastic board off and top with iron paper and iron the backside.  Let cool and they are ready to go.  I'll add some necklace string to them, I'll update this post later when I do that.

Here is the before and After's of a few:

Here is me making them into necklaces
Any Themed Parties planned?


  1. Oh my, you are really going all out on this one. Way to go Mom!

  2. Very cool. I'm sure the kids will flip

  3. Oh these are wonderful for the treat bags. Much better than cheap junk that is usally in them. I wouldn't have had the patience for this project.

  4. Congratulations! This post is going to be featured over at Diana Rambles tomorrow and has been pinned in the Featured at Diana Rambles board at Pinterest, Tweeted, and Recommended on G+. Please grab a featured button off my sidebar or via the link under the features. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!

  5. Super cool boy craft! Pinning this to our Summer Fun Board for those boredom filled summer days. Thanks so much for the idea.

    I would love for you to share your creativity with us at Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! Join us each Saturday morning at 8:00 am EST {tomorrow morning!}.

    ~ Ashley


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!