Friday, January 22, 2010

(CLOSED) The Love Revolution Audio Book Giveaway (3 Winners)

As you have guessed I'm on an audio book kick the last few weeks, but I just think they are the best thing ever. I love reading but sadly don't get much time to actually sit in one sitting and read a book like I use to. But I hate not getting my hand on ever book I can, so this is my perfect solution audio means I still get all the newest books and while I'm busy around the house or folding church newsletter I have something to keep my mind busy too!

Joyce Meyer is one of my new favorite authors, ok so she's not new but I was to her books. Then one day I was searching on the TV and guess who was on the TV yup Joyce Meyer and I found out she a minister that teaches a people how to Enjoy Everyday Life, if you ever get a chance find it on lifetime.

Her new book is The Love Revolution a wonderful book that is near and dear to my life. A few weeks ago in church we did the 40 days of love, which really made me step back and think. We think we're great in our life and love everyone then you take a deeper look and see what's beneath. Joyce Meyer does just the same she the stand not be satisfied with just ok, you need to practice love every day. This is a wonderful book for personal growth and making this part of your life. The simple thing like smiling at a stranger, helping someone else just because. The simple kindness of a stranger can do more than one can think! I believe also later on we get something far greater.


The Love Revolution

Thank you to Hachette Book Group for another great book!

To enter just leave me a comment if you have read any Joyce Meyer books or if you new to her books.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:
Giveaway ends 2/7/10 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.


  1. I don't listen to many audiobooks, but I've seen this book in the store and am intrigued. I follow.

    (You have an award over on my blog- not that I'm trying to bribe you- that was why I was headed over here this morning, to tell you)

  2. Oooh! This one sounds great! (no pun intended). I haven't heard of her...would be a great win for me :O)

    I follow your blog

  3. I have your button, always...we girls stick together

  4. Email subscriptions are double the fun!

  5. Alibi....I'm always good for at least two a year - just hollar

    I entered

  6. I Drink For A Reason - whooha! Do I ever!

    Usually because I'm thirsty

  7. I entered the Sparks giveaway but I'm giving that one to my sister if I win :O)

  8. Brief Interviews with men I've dated...I mean...Hideous Men...I entered that one. Sounds interesting!

  9. The Murder of King Tut....sigh...he died so young....

    I entered *smile*

  10. The Liar in your Life looks super interesting...I for sure entered that one!

  11. I'm headed over to cook yourself thin now, so considered me entered in that one too

  12. I haven't done boring in awhile so lets go with boring.

    I have you on my sidebar #1

  13. (this boring crap is killing me btw)

    I have you on my sidebar #3

  14. Thank you for entering my name and for hosting this giveaway.


  15. I am new to her books.
    Please count me in.

  16. I am new to her books and I like the idea of learning more about personal growth.

  17. Nope, haven't read any of Joyce's books, but if I win, that'll change! lol

  18. I follow joycemeyer on twitter


  19. I follow joycemeyer on twitter


  20. I follow joycemeyer on twitter


  21. I've heard of Joyce but since I've never had the privilege to read any of her work I guess I'm kinda new to her :-)
    crystalmarieporter at gmail dot com

  22. I don't think I have ever read one of her books...will definately get a few now...super idea of listening while doing housework! thanks!
