Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Minecraft Birthday Party ... Creeper & Pig Candy Tubes (Can be Gumballs)

Next on my list for the party was a pretty easy one.  I saw on Pinterest these really cool Gumball Tubes, of course it was a picture only so no one to credit or to find out what they did.  So I went on search to make my own.  I first went to Amazon to see how much they were.  The Tubes were almost $2 a piece and then the gumballs came in bags so I would have to buy 2 bags (one green and one pink, if I wanted to do the TNT then red too).  Well I added it up and that was like $35 - $40.  So I went to Michael's and Hobby Lobby hoping to find the stuff I wanted no luck.  So Plan B came into plan, Hobby Lobby had these Jewelry plastic tubes a 4pk for $2.49.  No luck on the gumballs so I hit up Winco Bulk Section.  I found Green Gumdrops and then they had the Easter Candy left so I found the bright Pink Malt Balls (shaped like an oval but I'm not being choosy). 

What you Need:
Candy Tubes (Or Jewelry Tubes)
Pink Round Candy (or 1" Gumballs)
Green Round Candy (or 1" Gumballs)
White Card Stock
Circle Cutter
Hot Glue Gun

I took the Clear tube and added 4 pieces of candy (one color per tube), then I put the cap back on.  For the Faces (I used just the Pig and the Creeper) I found these Cupcake Tags, I copied into a word doc and Edited it by cropping out just the characters I wanted and enlarging to the size I wanted.  I then took my circle cutter (cheap and best investment) and cut the circles out.  I took my , then with my glue gun I added a dab of glue to the back of the circle.  You can either add to the top of the cap or to the front of the tube, I did both.  I must say I like it on to so it shows off the whole tube.  Simple and Easy but they look so freaking cool!

Any Themed Parties planned?


  1. Those came out really cute. What are you going to do when the boys no longer have friend birthday parties.....LOL! (REST)

  2. This is my favorite thing yet for the party! LOVE it.

  3. I still don't know what they are but I'm sure the kids will love them


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!