Monday, April 28, 2014

Minecraft Birthday Party ... Creeper Treat Bags

Now we need a bag for the kids to take home their treats in!  I found several ideas on Pinterest and Etsy but no real template how to do so I winged it.  At first I thought about taking electrical tape and make a creeper face.  But then I got to thinking that would be so much work.  Plan B came to me, take a green bag use a template for a creeper face and color it in!

What you need:
Green Bags (Hobby Lobby 12 bags $1.50)
Black Sharpie
Printer w/ white paper to make a template

I went to google and found a creeper face (PNG image) and copied it in a Word doc.  I printed this and cut out the black of the creeper face parts.  I made this into my template.  I put the template on my green bag and outlined the creeper face with my sharpie.  I then removed the template, called my birthday boy over and he colored them in for me :).  Now to add the goodies, I'll show a full bag soon :).

Any Themed Parties planned?


  1. I'm loving all these Minecraft ideas! Keep them coming!

  2. Those bags turned out great. I actually have no parties planned. If I have one, it will be spur of the moment.

  3. What a neat idea! So simple and it's great that Cole could help! :-)

  4. You have the most wonderful ideas and you follow through on them!!

  5. Creepers are....well creepy. I hate how they sneak up on you. then blow up. I always go eek! and then turn in a circle and run right into them about the time they blow up. So I have to play on the super easy no creepers mode. My son laughs at me. But these bags are adorably not scary!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!