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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

End of Year Classmate Gift

Last is the school gifts made. I wish I could say we got back ONE of these reply cards but no such luck. I almost want to throw in the towel with making school gifts for the other kids. BUT I did get a glimmer of hope, the ONLY kid from school that showed up to Caden's party came up to me to tell me how much he loved the cookies etc I make and bring in. That brightened my day and let me know well I may only touch one life than it is worth it!

I also didn't find mini Hersey bars  for the s'more packs so I of course went for the next best thing butter fingers ... ok recess's cup's would have been best but the store was out of those too. And since I was hoping on a plane to Boston I could not run around to find the right items ... lol
What you need:
Hersey Bars (Minis)
Large Marshmallow
Graham Cracker
Treat Bags (25pk $1 Dollar Tree)
Card Stock for Tags
I found this cute printable on Becoming Martha she has several different version's to choose from. I decided to add a little package of s'mores with the tag.  

I know I'm late save for next year .. lol
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

End of Year Teacher Gift

I'm running behind as usual, I really just can't seem to keep all these balls in the air like I use to. Sadly what has to give is my blog, which is my outlet that keeps me happy. I'm working on finding that balance again!
I returned from another work trip to right into the party mode for my son. So I didn't get to post the things I made for the end of school. The first thing I made was for the teachers. I always like to say thank you for all the hard work they do. Cole has 6 teachers being in middle school and Caden had one for his teacher and I always do for Cole's previous teacher who is such a blessing. 
I found this great idea for Daiquiri Glasses on Alayna's Creations. They are simple to make, inexpensive but perfect for a teacher! 
What you Need:
Daiquiri Glass (Plastic $1 Dollar Tree)
Sunscreen (Travel Size $1)
Freezer Pops (liquid form 2 or so from box of 12 $1 Dollar Tree)
Flavor Water Packets
Paper Umbrella's
Beach Decorations (I used Flamingo Sticks)
Straws (I used Flamingo Straws)
Card stock (for tag)
Ribbon (for tag - I used twine)
Add all the items to the cup, attach the tag if you would like also. She has a few free printables to check out. I attached with twine, but you could use ribbon if you want. Have fun with them!
 I know I'm late save for next year .. lol
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Emoji Themed Party ... Next thing off the list Treat Bags

I'm still on a mission to get as many of these items for Caden's Emoji party done before I leave on business in 2 weeks and come home the day before the party! I just finished up the treat bags that will be given to each kid who attends the party. Tutorial will come soon just a preview of what I've been up to.

Have a great weekend!

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