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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Emoji themed Birthday Party ... Party Bags

I'm back! Well I've been here just this summer has ate up all my free time and sadly my blog is really suffering! 

I had an Emoji themed party for my youngest right after school ended! As you all know I'm crazy about a theme! At first Caden picked Zelda and I almost died when I saw themed items for that. BUT then he changed to Emoji's and I was super excited! This was the coolest party and I LOVE LOVE all the fun things I got to make. I wish I took more pictures of the kids with all the emoji stuff!

As I have said over and over I hate passing out dollar tree crap to people that come in. I hate when that stuff comes home with my kids. I have gotten in the habit of making fun things for kids to take home, and you need something for the kids to take those things home in. So here comes the treat bags!

What you Need:
Black Card Stock
Yellow Card Stock
Red Card Stock
White Card Stock
Black Treat Bags
Simply Charmed Cricut Cartridge
Cricut Cartridge
Tacky Glue

I used my Cricut to cut circles, hearts and sunglasses. I also used the George cartridge that came with my Cricut to make the mouth's using the moon option, Small circles and rectangles.

I made 4 different versions of the bags you can make more but I find to keep it simple and I don't go nuts! I made the sunglasses guy, surprise guy, heart eyes and the stern face! There are so many emoji's to choose from I just made the easy one's that I had shapes for on my machine.

Close up of the Heart Eyed Bag

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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