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Thursday, January 29, 2009

And the Best Dance Award goes to ...

Sorry girls computer at home is on the fritz still and won't let me long on or even get near that screen. Hopefully dad can fix tonight. Miss you all if I had more time on lunch I would stop by and say hi, just know I'm thinking of you. And with that thought I just had to share a clip that came into my email today. Question to ask 1 is he a drag queen in practice? and Question #2 how the heck did he get into that body suit with out fall out? Hey you got to give it to him on dance moves and heck wearing that suit and publishing for everyone. Two Thumbs up for you dude!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

(Semi)Wordless Wednesday - Diaper Cake Addition

Well as semi-wordless as this Chatty Cathy can be ... Oh shhh it's hard for me! It's like the way I cook "Semi-Homemade", as mom's apron says "Put on your Big Girl Panties and Deal with it".

Well today I had it scheduled for some funny video's of the boys dancing, well what you can expect from two white boys that Dad thinks a box step is dancing. Well long story short (see I told you I just can't) computer was having problems last night and I couldn't log on so I'm going with a picture I have here on my computer at work. Oh stop gasping I'm on a break, you know the state makes you take 2 of them a day! Geez stop being so hard on me! Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? Hmmm maybe since I'm having this conversation in my head as I type, maybe I did? Nope it's NEVER me, it has to be the people in the wall. I'm sticking with that! Oh sorry back to wordless ... LOL.

So here's my crafty side, with help from mom she worked in a florist years ago and can rock a bow like no one's business! I've become known for my diaper cakes and actually have sold a few for people! Yup look at me go, really didn't make much but hey who cares $1 an hour is fare wage right? Ok back to the point ... Here is one of my diaper cakes! If you must know (heavy sigh insert)! I roll each diaper (count them 101 usually) individually with a ribbon that says "It's a Girl", "It's a Boy" or "Congratulations". I've done 3 tiers and up to 5 tier cakes, each tier is tied with matching ribbon (this is where mom comes into play). Usually a theme so the ribbon and animals match! And scattered on each level is items that match the "theme". Don't ask I'm crazy with theme's, you have a party for a kid with a theme and I go crazy finding a toy, a gift bag and card (which I always forget and is added to the collection in my junk drawer) with that theme. Yes I know I have a "touch" of OCD, oh shhh I say a touch and that's where I draw the "themed" line ... LOL

Sorry got a little wordy, I just can't help myself! With out to many more words, since it's Super bowl Sunday I thought I'd show off my Football theme Diaper Cake. I made this for one of Rick's bosses (don't even ask the boy has had a lot of different jobs).

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Giveaway Carnival and Many more :)


Current Contests (sorted by end date)
speckles & weeds
SoMi Baby
Classy Kid
ColorMe Company
Loop2Loop Belts
tiny prints
See Kai Run - Smaller
Green Baby Clothing Company
Eleven Collection
Baby Monkey
* New urban sudz check out website urban sudz Soap Factory
* New Lil Monkeys check out website My Lil' Monkeys
* New Boogie Wipes check out website Boogie Wipes

I'm a WINNER!! Yup I'll say it AGAIN I'm a WINNER!!

So today I got THE best gift showed up at my work!! I'm so excited I've entered like 5 different sites trying to win and I FINALLY won one. Now the girls that model these are super cute and can pull these off with nothing under it, me I think I'll stick to keeping clothes under neath. No Rick doesn't get a vote here because he would love a new "costume" ... LOL just playing! So check it out girl of course it shows up on the day I don't do my hair, and I couldn't wait until tomorrow when my hair was done to do the post!

Thank you Carolyns Kitchen and my Fav blog Steals and Deals (No it's not because I've won TWICE yes take that 2 times, sorry my competitor little girl came out again!!!). I also love the gloves that match I so need to go back and pick up a pair. Oh wait Rick will so love those, hmmm maybe I can just comment on them and see if he gets the hint. Yup he sucks at hints ... LOL.

Check it out girls!

Check out the label!
Isn't that the cutest thing!
Then I open and it see this awesome paper!
OMG isn't that the CUTEST!
It's called Sweetheart in HOT PINK!!!
Ok bad hair day, but check it out girls!
Yup I'm rocking it even with bad hair!!
It is now part of my wall of Apron Fame!
Next to my apron mom bought me yes it says:
"Put on your big girl panties, and deal with it!"
And the blue is my Grandmother's apron (she passed away a few years back)

Bring on the Bloggy Carnival

Oh my Gosh Brenda check out her .... oh sorry went into my Sir Mix Alot song ... But really you must check out first the link for all the blogger giveaways I think I counted almost 300! I've could only do a few so check them out too! click to the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival!

Serah's Cupcake Soap Giveaway

A Nut in a Nutshell

My Fruit Roll-Ups Review and Giveaway!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Make Something Monday - Banana White Bread in Bread Maker

So it's bread day at our house, I love to make bread for Cole's lunches cheaper and hopefully healthier. Lately he is on a HUGE peanut butter kick and I've been trying new ways to do peanut butter, even slicing banana's on there. While getting ready to make the bread I thought why not make a banana version of the white bread. Thank you RecipeZaar I found the perfect recipe. Now when you think of banana bread I think of gooey bread, not a good sandwich bread. This bread is perfect for sandwiches it's just like white bread and just has a hint of banana, not all pow banana in your face taste. Cole loves it and of course I had to sample, since you know the bread always comes out with a pouf on top so that of course need to be cut off can't make a sandwich with that.

So girls I share with you the making of the bread. My helper Cole rocked the measuring skills this week!

Grab all your ingrendients.
It calls for Walnuts and we're so NOT nut in bread people.
Pour in the milk
Add the mushed banana's I used two a little over the 1/2 cup ;).
Add the egg (yes he washed his hands right after)
Add the butter. Don't you love the "action" shot?
Add the flour (ran out of the bread flour but this worked) Add the sugar (yumm)
Add the salt (see the overage on my drain board) Add Cinnamon
Add the yeast
Opps a little went everywhere!
Put the pan in the breadmaker!
2 1/2 hours later, bread is ready!
See the bump you of course have to cut that off.
Late night snack for mom, oh not a good thing for the thighs.
But a good thing for a hungry belly!

Banana Nut Yeast Bread (Bread Machine)

2/3 cup milk
1/2 cup mashed banana
1 egg
1 tablespoon butter
3 cups bread flour
3 tablespoons sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
3/4 cup toasted and chopped walnuts

1Spread walnuts in a single layer on a baking pan and bake at 350° for 5 to 10 minutes or til light brown.
2Watch carefully and stir once or twice.
3Add ingredients to bread machine according to manufacturer's direction, adding the banana with the milk.
4Use regular or white setting.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday's here and many giveaways to check out

Go Graham Go

*New Nurse Purse Check out website

* New Hip-T Check out website


Simple ($130 value),

Preserve Coupons,



Pocket Purifier,

skeeda Bag,

Cricket & Monkey ($96 value)

Ped Egg/Pampered Toes

Jolly Mom

*New Win a Stainless Steel Beverage Bottle by Earthlust Check out website EarthLust
* New Win a Reusable Grocery Tote by ChicoBags Check out website Chico Bags
* New Win a Reversible Messenger Bag Check out website31 Corn Lane
Win Dream Baby Stay Put Cutlery
Win the City Chic Diaper Bag! ($150)
Win a $30 Gift Certificate to Room It Up!
Win a SmartShopper!
Win $50 to Moxie Bee: Women's Online Boutique
Win a Yummie Tummie! Shapewear: 5 Winners!
Win a $100 Spa Gift Card!
Win Lullaby Exercises DVD: Workout With Your Baby!
Win the My Fair Lady Gift Set by LUSH!
Win a Makeup Kit by Mommy Makeup!
Win THREE ERGO Baby Carrier Components! Carrier, Backpack, & Pouch!


Current Contests (sorted by end date)
Muddy Cloud
Red Leaf
speckles & weeds
SoMi Baby
Classy Kid
ColorMe Company
Loop2Loop Belts
tiny prints
See Kai Run - Smaller
Green Baby Clothing Company
Eleven Collection
* New Baby Monkey
* New frecklebox

Pennies In My Pocket

~*~GIVEAWAY~*~ SmartShopper Electronic Grocery List Organizer

2 EXTRA entires for blogging about it!

Envirosax Reusable Shopping Bag (Mikado 1 & Mikado 5) - 2 winners
Posted: 24 Jan 2009 05:27 AM PST
Where: Moms Work At Home Blog @ Mommy Enterprises check out website: Envirosax.

What: Envirosax Reusable Shopping Bag (Mikado 1 & Mikado 5) - 2 winnersHow To Enter: Leave a comment on the giveaway/contest post

Deadline: February 4, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Did my cry's for Uncle work? Or was it just temporary insanity?

I don't know what happened but the stars align for a break 6 hours in my life I only had 1 child at home. Our Exchange student's mom came here for a visit and he went to stay with her for 9 WHOLE DAYS. Those who are new to my blog, we've been having a heck of a time with a very ungrateful and sometimes just darn out rude kid. I'm hoping a little time with mom will help with these last 4 mo 18 days and 5 hours and 25 minutes go fast. What do you think that sounded a little rude?? Sorry I just couldn't help myself. Then my mom and dad came and picked up Cole. I was so excited I had big plans, maybe we'll go to the library or do a little shopping. Then I thought no I owe money to the library and to come to think about it we don't have any extra money for shopping. Heavy sigh, I guess I will just have to check out what the current giveaways. Yeah you know how hard that was, since I'm so NOT into giveaways. STOP rolling your eyes I'm trying to turn over a new leaf here, one of honesty and hope for a new day. Ok I really need to work on that!
So you know all the fun stuff I got to do was of course dishes, laundry and trying to get over a stomach bug! And now guess what Cole is back and it's like he has to have a double sugar high! I don't know what the heck my parents gave him but he's bouncing, I really mean it off the couch, off the bed and any other piece of furniture that "gets" in his way! So that peace and calm I felt for 6 hours is long gone and now all I have is crying Caden and screaming Cole. Yup that is their new names from now on, Pinching Roy will be back soon too! Maybe I can just leave off their names and I'll have crying, scream and pinching? Now look at that it's like my own person little dwarfs, hey they are small and they are the modern day 7 dwarfs minus 4 since I might pull out all my hair.
Just a side note since Cole has been home mind you around 1 hour! My antique hat box lid has been broke, since didn't you know it was meant to stand on! My once upon you know 2 hours ago clean front room is littered with toys, Cole's bed has all the sheets on the floor and thanks mom I have fish crackers leading a path to their room. Which would be great if Hansel and Gretel came upon us and needing a trail but come on my house is only 1200 SF I think I can find their room just fine! I'm going to run away for real, where is my trail to the nearest martini?
Check out the pictures of the day!

Check out the laundry (minus one load in the dryer and one in the washer)
But wait I go into Roy's Room and find MORE!Highlight or low light not sure if the stomach or the diet wins yet!
Mom came and filled the Grandma cookie jar, with shortbread cookies.
Lemon Curd, Raspberry and Apricot
Thank you MOM!
Look at this she brought of 2 laundry soaps, 1 Oxclean and 1 fabric softener!
Can I say Thank you enough?
Caden even helped putting the clothes in the dryer :).
And a bonus surprise!
My Bestie Tarra bought me a pair of Calvin Klein Jeans.
Check out this shopper, Start at $89.50, then $53.70 then $30 something and end at $9.99
Rock on Macy's!
And one last prayer to the toilet that the new pipes hold!
I CAN NOT go another night with a broken toilet in a one bathroom house!

Saturday here we come check out the giveaways ...

Jolly Mom

* New Win Dream Baby Stay Put Cutlery check out the website Dream Baby
Win the City Chic Diaper Bag! ($150)
Win a $30 Gift Certificate to Room It Up!
Win a SmartShopper!
Win $50 to Moxie Bee: Women's Online Boutique
Win a Yummie Tummie! Shapewear: 5 Winners!
Win a $100 Spa Gift Card!
Win Lullaby Exercises DVD: Workout With Your Baby!
Win the My Fair Lady Gift Set by LUSH!
Win a Makeup Kit by Mommy Makeup!
Win THREE ERGO Baby Carrier Components! Carrier, Backpack, & Pouch!
* New Win a Reusable Lunch Kit by Kids Konserve

Win $40 Gift Cert to Bublecakes
Posted: 22 Jan 2009 04:42 PM PST
Where: Frugal MOmmy of 2 Girls

What: Win $40 Gift Cert to Bublecakes

How To Enter: Leave a comment on the giveaway/contest post

Deadline: January 29, 2009

Your choice of item from Museware Pottery
Posted: 23 Jan 2009 06:57 AM PST
Where: The Funky Monkey
What: Your choice of item from Museware Pottery - up to $100 retail value!
How To Enter: Leave a comment on the giveaway/contest post
Deadline: January 29, 2009

Grafeeti sneakers and backpack from Kitson Kids
Site: Inside OutPrize: Grafeeti sneakers and backpack from Kitson Kids

Open to U.S. and Canadian residents

Open until January 26, 2009

To enter, leave a comment on the site

Link to Contest Here

Stainless Steel Water Bottle From EarthLust
Hosting Site: Piece Of Me

Prize: Stainless Steel Water Bottle From EarthLust

Deadline: January 28, 2009 at 11:59 pm ET

How to Enter: Comment On PostUS Only

Link to Contest Here

Blog about it and GET 5 ENTRIES!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday here and more Giveaways!!


Current Contests (sorted by end date)
Muddy Cloud
Red Leaf
speckles & weeds
SoMi Baby
Classy Kid
ColorMe Company
Loop2Loop Belts
tiny prints
See Kai Run - Smaller
Green Baby Clothing Company
* New Eleven Collection

Go Graham Go

* New Peek Check out website
* New Simple ($130 value) Check out website
* New Preserve Coupons Check out website
Pocket Purifier,
skeeda Bag,
Cricket & Monkey ($96 value),
Ped Egg/Pampered Toes,
See Kai Run

Jolly Mom

* New Win the City Chic Diaper Bag! ($150) Check out website Skip Hop
* New Win a $30 Gift Certificate to Room It Up! Check out website Room It Up
* New Win a SmartShopper! Check out website SmartShopper
Win $50 to Moxie Bee: Women's Online Boutique
Win a Yummie Tummie! Shapewear: 5 Winners!
Win a $100 Spa Gift Card!
Win Lullaby Exercises DVD: Workout With Your Baby!
Win the My Fair Lady Gift Set by LUSH!
Win a Makeup Kit by Mommy Makeup!
Win THREE ERGO Baby Carrier Components! Carrier, Backpack, & Pouch!
Win a Reusable Lunch Kit by Kids Konserve

20 4x6 Valentines Day Photo Cards
Snack And Play Travel Tray
Zipper Bottom Bag
Diaper Case
Sock Grams-TWO Winners
Boon Frog Pod
Boon Potty Bench
Baby Dipper Bowl
Zoli Travel Dispenser
Precious Girls Club-TWO winners
** New MediBag 4 Kids Check out Website Me4Kids!
* *New Tailored Tadpole Pillowcase Check out Website Tailored Tadpole!
* *New Choice Of Leg Warmers Check out Website
* *New Baby Shoes Of Your Choice Check out Website Baby Bug Shoe Designs!
* *New SodaStream Soda Lover's Starter Kit Check out Soda Stream Website

Blog about it and get 2 extra entries

2 kids and a concerts. Sound like fun?

You know one day my life may be normal and settle down. For some reason I'm thinking that statement may never come true, which I think is ok since life just wouldn't be the same. So on to my story, I know that is why you all tune in for.
Yesterday I was SUPER excited I finally had my hair appointment, after 3 times of rescheduling to coordinate with a person at works time off. I finally had the appointment and come Hell or High water I was going to get there. Of course I couldn't leave on time and I was rushing and got to the salon 10 minutes late. Well what I thought was 10 minutes late turned out to be 20 minutes late. Seems I played a trick on myself ... LOL I put it on my calendar for 1/2 hour early and forgot I did that. So I'm happy to report I was 20 minutes early to something! 2 hours later I was leaving the beauty parlor feeling like a new women, a lighter shade and a NEW textured hair do. No clue but she took a razor to my hair and called it textured, hey I take what I can get.

I had enough time to pick the boys up and grab a quick bite to eat before Roy's concert started. I'm sorry to say with 1/2 hour and no wary near home we had to have fast food. On the way back to the car I smell that Caden had me a special present! Great no diapers in the car, so a quick run to Walgreen's and $20 later I have diapers, wipes and snacks! We get to Roy's concert with a few moments to spare. A quick diaper change in the car and even a evil look from an older couple and even a comment. I was so not in the mood by the time we made it into the gym for a 7PM concert! Really 7PM?? Who thinks this crap up?

Roy's part went really fast and then he sat on the side. Now trying to keep a 18mo old and 4 year old to sit still after 45 minutes is a little hard. I went thru 2 boxes gummy lifesavers and 4 boxes of raisins (we shared with 2 other boys) in 45 minutes and we were done! I could no longer keep Caden sitting down with out crying and Cole had popcorn popping in his pants. I started to pack up and was able to step down with a very unpleasant principal came over to me. She asked me if I was Roy's host mom and then said in such a pleasant tone that it looks like my boys are becoming unruly and rambunctious and that she would tell Roy to grab his stuff so we could leave! Really lady I didn't know that, I wasn't about to stand up and walk out to the car and no I didn't notice the rude looks from a certain lady behind me who suddenly forgot what it was to be a mom with young kids. By this time I was seeing red and wanted to knock this 5 foot 80 year old puss faced principal off her block. Instead a used my breathing and grabbed my kids. Along the way a crying Cole who was screaming he didn't want to leave and that he would be good. Yup good times, don't you want to come visit?

Grab some ice cream since the kids didn't have enough well balanced meals in them and headed home for bed! I even ended up with a certain 4 year old in my bed who mind you slept with his feet by my head and decided that he was a soccer player and I was the ball. I even had a pissy husband at 3am trying to take the same 4 year old to bed who had a fit. Which started a nice little war in my room, which a certain little boy ended up winning! Can I call UNCLE yet?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yup More giveaways ...

ShooShoos Kids Shoes
Digital Foci - Photo Keychain
Photo Book Unibind
* New Kidz Gear
Lisa Leonard Designs
Joan of Z - Jewelry
Scribble It
Kate Williams Chalk Mat
Sweet & Sassy Accessories


Current Contests (sorted by end date)
Muddy Cloud
Red Leaf
speckles & weeds
SoMi Baby
Classy Kid
ColorMe Company
Loop2Loop Belts
tiny prints
See Kai Run - Smaller

Boon Saucer (stay-put divided plate) - choice of pink or orange
Name of Site Hosting Contest: Kid Buy Products Description of
Prize: Boon Saucer (stay-put divided plate) - choice of pink or orange
How to Enter - Comment on post with favorite product from Boon, Inc. and color choice of plate if you win Contest
Deadline - January 26, 2009Open to US Only
Link to Contest Here

What are some of your time saving tips? Along with My life ...

My girl Felicia has given us another challenge to earn extra points for her giveaways ... You know I'm a crazy person and we'll do about anything (ok blogging stuff) for extra chances. Make sure to check her out at and Jolly Mom who are having the amazing Mom '09 Giveaways :).

Ok as some of you know I'm a "Semi-Homemade" gal, which means I use some premade stuff to make my items. Christmas cookies I used Betty Crockers cookie mixes and added to them, it was perfect and saved a BUNCH of time! I'm a huge fan of my crock pot, throw all the ingredients in and let it go all day. You come home to a meal ready to go so now grumpy little ones circling you like they may just nibble at you soon! Another favorite item is my breadmaker, I love fresh bread for Cole's sandwiches but I'm not a kneader (hey I like these wiggly arms). So the breadmaker makes my life simple add the stuff in and let it go, 2 hours later fresh bread ... YUMMY! So girls there are a few of my tricks, now give me my 5 extra entries! Oh sure I have to pick and choose when to use them, ugh more work ... LOL yeah I know I'm never fooling anyone!

And a SUPER FUN note I as usual am living proof of a cross between when "It Rains, It Pours" and some sick "Darwinism". As some of you know Rick had problems with his teeth, went to have surgery found out his work somehow didn't pay his dental? Then we get a notice that his work filled for bankruptcy, thankfully still working but who knows for how long. Then yesterday I get informed that work is slow and they will be cutting me down to 32 hours a week (ok 8 hours doesn't seem like a lot but when you're barely making it with normal hours it is a BIG deal). Then late last night I go to use the restroom to find the exchange student has clogged the toilet again with TO much TP!! I try plunging it and nothing happens, I grab Rick and he tries to snake it. A 1/2 hour later the toilet is still not draining right and I have very peeved husband. In just 5 minutes I will have a even more upset husband. So he crawls under the house and I hear him yelling not so nice words. Come to find out he's not swearing at me, he's telling me what is down there. I'll family friendly it for you, it looks like a pipe burst and I know had poo everywhere under the house. GREAT!!

So today my dad came over found a strap broke and a pipe hung and with all the bad weather we've been having the pipe expanded and that the story and I'm sticking to it. I'm too upset to put a witty comment here. Thankfully my LOVELY dad and hubby got it temporary fixed so I am no able to go potty at home. Did I mention we only have the ONE bathroom? Yup and the kicker is we remodeled it not even 3 years ago, new pipes ... LOL.

When it Rains it doesn't just Pour it becomes a Monsoon on my little space. Do I sound all Eeyore? Yup I'm taking my black cloud and running with it! Yelling all the way I've had my 3 bad things isn't that the rule, no more please!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Check out the list of Giveaways ....

Check out my dear friend's amazing new giveaway, come on all you have to do is tell a little story about yourself! Come on I told a skinny dipping story, made you want to go over there huh?

A Hypocrite .. and a CONTEST

20 4x6 Valentines Day Photo Cards
Snack And Play Travel Tray
Zipper Bottom Bag
Diaper Case
Sock Grams-TWO Winners
Boon Frog Pod
Boon Potty Bench
Baby Dipper Bowl
Zoli Travel Dispenser
Precious Girls Club-TWO winners
MediBag 4 Kids
Tailored Tadpole Pillowcase
* New Choice Of Leg Warmers and check out website Mama Runs With Scissors

** 2 Entries for blogging about giveaway :)

Where: An Ordinary Life

What: Bumbleride Flyer stroler

How To Enter: Leave a comment on the giveaway/contest post

Deadline: February 10, 2009

A Twilight Sea Turtle Nightlight from Cloud B
Posted: 21 Jan 2009 07:57 PM PST
Where: The Funky Monkey

What: A Twilight Sea Turtle Nightlight from Cloud B

How To Enter: Leave a comment on the giveaway/contest post

Deadline: January 28, 2009

Where: Peanut Butter and Pickle Reviews

What: Honest Kids Drink Pouches

How To Enter: Leave a comment on the giveaway/contest post

Deadline: January 27, 2009

Where: Peanut Butter and Pickle Reviews

What: Retote from TerraCycle

How To Enter: Leave a comment on the giveaway/contest post

Deadline: January 26, 2009

Where: Northwest Mom Finds Check out website Northwest Mom Finds

What: Choice of the Rita diaper totes from Queen Bee Creations & Chickpea Baby Bags –gorgeous $180 handmade bags!

How To Enter: Leave a comment after visiting the sponsor’s site

Deadline: January 30, 2009

Where: Frugal mOmmy of 2 Girls

What: Photo book creator

How To Enter: Leave a comment on the giveaway/contest post

Deadline: January 27, 2009

Where: Blessings Abound

What: Personalized Kids Wall Clock from Olive Kids!

How To Enter: Leave a comment on the giveaway/contest post

Deadline: January 27, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ... Here I come I think!

Ok not totally wordless, but really would you expect anything less then lots of words from this crazy mom? So Today I share with a rare species caught on camera, well they only part rare is the part caught on camera going out looking like this. Awhile back I blogged about running to the pharmacy in my PJ's and Rain boots (sorry no pictures). But this Sunday when I was totally spent and just had to leave the house before I lost the 2 marbles that I still had. So for those of you who have connects with What Not to Wear. Here I am in my full non matching, crazy hair and no make up look. Some of you that are fragile may want to advert your eyes now!

I'm warning you it's not pretty! Ok you're entering at your own risk! Really I did warn you!

Here I am in the full glory of hair (not combed, well I fingered combed) and no make-up!
And the kicker of the outfit was not the over sized (thank god is still over sized) sweater of my hubbies. I know what a shock! Nope it's the WHITE socks with black shoes and black pants (that may just have had a few spots I can't explain, thanks Caden). I warned you the legs are SUPER WHITE, hello I live in WA and there is no Sun!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday's with Alexis (Like that instead of Morrie .. you have to know the book I guess)

Go Graham Go
* New Pouchee Check out the website
* New StrollAway Check out the website
* New Pocket Purifier Check out the Website
* New skeeda Bag Check out the Website
*New Cricket & Monkey ($96 value) Check out the Website
* New Ped Egg/Pampered Toes Check out the websites or
See Kai Run
Preserve Jr. Toothbrush
Playtex Sippy Cup
The Jimmies Kids CD,

Jolly Mom

*New Win $50 to Moxie Bee: Women's Online Boutique check out website Moxie Bee
* New Win a Yummie Tummie! Shapewear: 5 Winners! Check out website Yummie Tummie
* New Win a $100 Spa Gift Card! check out website Spa & Salon Wish
* New Win Lullaby Exercises DVD: Workout With Your Baby! Check out website Chicks-n-Chickens
* New Win the My Fair Lady Gift Set by LUSH! Check out website LUSH
* New Win a Makeup Kit by Mommy Makeup! Check out the website Mommy Makeup
Win THREE ERGO Baby Carrier Components! Carrier, Backpack, & Pouch!
Win a Reusable Lunch Kit by Kids Konserve
Win a Pair of Leg Huggers!
Twilight Sea Turtle by Cloud B Giveaway
Boca Beth Giveaway


Redfish Kids
Kids Personalized Music
Miss Gina Designs
Muddy Cloud
Red Leaf
speckles & weeds
SoMi Baby
tiny prints
See Kai Run - Smaller
*New SoMi Baby

Short Pump Preppy Shopping

Chex Mix Bars Basket Giveaway - Short Pump Preppy

Label Daddy Review and Giveaway

Weekly Giveaway from Frugal Freebies - Enter to win!

Smashies - Organic Squeezy Apple Sauces - Giveaway

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Thank You to My Wonderful Sponsors!!!

Baby Pop
cafe Press
Easy Lunch Boxes
Faith Words
Glasses USA
Great Wolf Lodge
Jump Start
My Baby Clothes Boutique
My Blog Spark
red envelope
She Speaks

tote bags
Strap Doctor
You Can Make This

Total Pageviews


Awards I've been Given! You Really Love Me!! (Yes my best Oscar Speech)

friendhip2 from Anissa
passoinate-blogger-award (Heidi @ Tried & True Cooking)
You're a Superstar Blogger
you-dont-say-post - Kristie Notes
Annisa (Over the top)
Jessica Mommy Needs Coffee (Lovely)
Annissa (Queen Award)
Your Blog is Fabulous
Best Comedic Performance
Splash Award
Best Blog Award
Dragon's Loyalty Award
The Heartfelt Award
Daffy Commenter Award
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