Thursday, January 6, 2011

2010 it's a Wrap (yes I'm behind) .... PINT Style

Only Parent Chronicles
Wow it has been one heck of a year! I have picked some of my favorite recipes and favorite post of the past year. Hope if you find something that makes you laugh or something you'd like to make. Happy 2011!!!!

4 Recipes (3 Jars & 1 in a Bag)
A reflection of who I am

Turkey Rice Crispy Treats, Pumpkin Pie Dip & Hummus
Two not funny, but personally touching post
A fav for Rick and one for MOM
Fun things that you find in my house
MY fav Pizza and dough to go with it
Oh yes the things that are said that make you go WTF

My two fav recipes!
The joy of organizing a church carnival
A taste dinner & even better dessert
Still an improvement

Crowd pleaser with the kids
Tired mom & moments that make me hit my head
Oh yes this were SUPER yummy!!
What happens when your hubby is not so motived for job hunting
My love of Brie to a new level
How to install TP on a Roll & fun with boys!
More Gym Notes
My first Bolognese and it was super yummy
A huge hit with the boys
The joys of going back to the gym
This recipe is on of my favs!
Funny in the school parking lot :)


  1. Okay... I'm really looking forward to going through all of these!!!
    Blessings for a great year!

  2. I'm not sure how you pick out a fav recipe every month, you post so many. I'm still trying to get my Christmas post up as well as my What not to buy reviews post from past reviews that now suck, as well as a look back. Hopefully soon Have a great weekend!

  3. this was fun to read.. I love your life and post they are always wonderful.. Have a great weekend. Poser..

  4. Fun list! I'm going back to read a few of those right now. :)

  5. Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf and BBQ Chicken Pizza both sound good.
    I'm gonna print them out.

  6. I love that you did this. I am way to lazy to go back and make a list. This took a lot of time!!
    I am sure I have most of those recipes starred in my reader. Have a nice weekend.

  7. Hey there. Great post as usual.. Thanks for sharing.. Well I went through some of the posts..

  8. Nice to look back over the year.

  9. OK - you got me with the chocolate cheesecake cupcakes!

  10. Oooh- I had forgotten about your pumpkin latte recipe and the chocolate cheesecake cupcakes. I need to go back and copy/paste those.

  11. Thank you for sharing your faves from each month! :)

  12. I remember all of these posts... Just thinking about your year brought a smile to my face, along with some tears and a warm feeling for you and your family.
    Wishing you nothing but the best for the new year. HUGGLES!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!