Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Best of 2013 ... January to April

Instead of one crazy long post I thought I would break the best of 2014 into 3 post of the next few days.  Yup to make it easier plus I'm slammed at work and the house so I'm running out of time to post things I've done ... LOL.

Here are a few of the highest viewed post on my blog January to April 2013!

Viewed 1204 Times

Viewed 1231 Times

Viewed 1561 Times

Viewed 1326 Times

Viewed 1919 Times

Viewed 1505 Times

Viewed 1505 Times

Viewed 3346 Times

Viewed 3346 Times

Viewed 1591 Times

Viewed 7288 Times

Viewed 1598 Times

Viewed 3751 Times

Viewed 1446 Times

Viewed 1258 Times

Viewed 6722 Times

Viewed 1085 Times

Viewed 4421 Times

Viewed 6720 Times

Viewed 6408 Times

Viewed 6408 Times

Viewed 1041 Times

Viewed 1165 Times

Viewed 1219 Times

Viewed 1837 Times

Viewed 4385 Times

Viewed 1094 Times

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Good roundup you have here. You know the Disney ones are my favorites, though :)

  2. You've put up so many clever posts - it's nice to see them again

  3. wonderful posts
    Happy New year to you and family

  4. Wow, I'm so impressed! You certainly worked hard this year and have outdone other years when it comes to baking and making gifts....way to go!

  5. I declare for the second time that you are 'Mom of the Year 2013.' You are a super talented lady!

  6. Yummy Yummy! You have had a great year Alexis and I so love popping by your blog :) Have a great year ahead ! Much love!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!