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Friday, March 25, 2016

Egg-Cellent Teacher Gift!

I'm always on the look out for fun and easy Teacher gifts. Teacher's work so hard and we've been blessed with some amazing ones over the few years. Caden just loves his teacher and how she is lifting him up and showing him how to be a better version of himself!
I found this super simple gift on Lil' Luna with a free printable, AND it's not just for Teachers she has one for a Neighbor and Friend!
What you Need:
Egg Candy (I LOVE Malt balls so that is what I got .. JUST in case I had extra that had to be eaten)
Mason Jar (Found small version at Dollar Tree $1)
Easter Ribbon (Found at Michael's $1)
Cupcake Liner (I added for a little extra flair)
Card Stock (Print her FREE printable on Card Stock)
Fill your mason jar with the Egg candy. I wrapped the cupcake liner around disk part of the lid, she painted hers (I didn't have the extra time). Add the ribbon with the print out on card stock (I ran out of white and had to use yellow).  Done!
 Thanks for Stopping by!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Treats for My Peeps (Classroom Gifts)

I'm still alive I promise .. lol. I've been working and traveling to Boston more then I have ever. As soon as I got home from my last trip and just started to get my land legs and had to hop back on a plane to help and another event in Boston for work. I'm home this week trying to catch up family and all that fun stuff. I wanted to post a quick post to show the cute treats I made for Caden's classmates. This was the EASIEST thing I've done and so darn cute! I had everything at the house just had to grab peeps from The Dollar Tree.
I found this cute idea with a FREE printable on Simple as That, and true to the name of her blog it really was simple as that!
What you Need:
Peeps (Pack of 8 $1 Dollar Tree)
Bags (Pack of 40 $1 Dollar Tree - I had some in my crafting box)
Ribbon (I used Twin left over in my crafting box)
Lollipop sticks (or you can use paper straws - Used what I found in my crafting box)
Card Stock (I only had yellow, white would have been better)
Hole Punch

She made a cute printable you can use then trim with scissors and add a hole w/ hole punch for ribbon/string. Take a Peep and push a lollipop stick into the bottom of the peep. Place in clear bag. Close with ribbon/string and the cute label. BAM done!!
Thanks for Stopping by!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

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